Page 92 of Bad Habits

I held onto her arm as I pushed the knife deeper into her skin.

Pushing her towards the circle, “You wanted to sacrifice me, now I will sacrifice you.” Plunging the knife all the way through her neck then pulling it back out so the blood could run freely, her scream echoed in the dark room.

I threw her in the circle. My head was pounding, so I sat down. There weren’t any voices, just garbled noises. I didn’t realize I was rocking back and forth until I felt a strong pair of arms around me.

Looking up I saw it was Sean. “How did you find me?”

“I knew you found this place from the first day you came back. Can you hand me the knife Purity?”

Looking at my hand I saw I never let it go. Handing it to him, I looked at him with true sorrow in my eyes. “I had to kill her. She needed to pay.” I explained.

“Had to kill who?” He asked.

“Kaisha.” I pointed at the circle, seeing her bloody body.

“It’s ok.”

He helped me to my feet then we went back to my room.

Chapter 12

Father O’Rourke

She was completely gone.Jabbering about the circle taking bodies, about how it lit up when she killed Hanleigh.

She told me the next day she went to clean up and the circle had absorbed Hanleigh’s body.

In reality, I had found what she did. I didn’t want her to be hospitalized so I took Hanleigh to the woods and buried her. I was able to pin that kill on her two attackers since they seemed to have a fetish with nuns.

The circle lighting up, was in her mind. That circle was nothing more than a circle school children used to sit around and tell stories. Purity, well Julia had been there as a small child.

I was at another parish so it seemed ok to send her here to be raised. When a tornado took out that part of the convent, a small boy was killed in the circle. Some said it was God’s way of closing the unnecessary school up and letting the convent focus on getting back to the basics. Julia got thrown into the foster system. I was in Rome at the time. When I got back, I couldn’t find her.

I didn’t know right away who she was when she came back here. It was truly a twist of fate. Am I the world’s biggest asshole? Probably. I love my daughter, but Lord I love fucking my daughter.

She has saved my soul many times over. For now, she will stay sequestered in her room in restraints.

Sister Kaisha was in my office when Purity thought she killed her. That was one death we could stop.

* * *


Father O’Rourke, Sean, or my daddy, whichever I prefer I guess, is trying to explain my history.

Being a nun was a calling for me since my mother was a nun. I wondered why she didn’t want me. Now I know.

I’m not allowed back to my circle. I stay in my bed. It keeps my thoughts towards all of my misdeeds. I pray for forgiveness. I know I should be burnt at the cross but I also know God has a plan for me. For all of his daughters here.

Sometimes, the voices in my head allow me to hear his praise.

I know my core burns for Father O’Rourke. I need his punishment, his pleasure. I moan for him. Beg for him.

* * *

Father O’Rourke

As for Purity? I hear her calling my name. I come in to check on her.