Page 94 of Bad Habits

The Lord has abandoned us

Bless this rotten little girl

Who above all else wishes to die

Bless this act of rage

Committed in the name of all that is unholy

Corrupt Mary

Mother of the disgraced

Prey on the sinners now

And at the hour of our death


Chapter One

I push my long,white-blonde hair back with bloody hands. The show will start soon and I have to pick my perfect prop. I have a multitude of caged animals; feral cats and abandoned dogs. Precious little teacup hogs; furry hamsters, and tropical birds; reptiles, insects, and the wounded unfortunate that I’ve nursed back to health.

I’ve already set the camera up and I’m ready to perform, I just need to figure out which one … I let out a heavy sigh as I decide that nothing before me will help me tonight. Luckily for me, I’m very fond of waste not, want not; so I leave the room of animals, heading into kitchen through the next door.

Once inside the small room, I walk over to the refrigerator and open the freezer. I let my fingers graze along the corpses of animals that have died in their confines, then smile slightly when my hand stops on a neatly wrapped package. I can’t exactly see what’s inside of it, but I like to surprise myself as much as I do my audience sometimes, and my voyeurs pay a high price for watching my show.

I’m one of seven of the nuns that resides inside Our Lady of Heavenly Hope Convent, and while there are more of us than justus, we’re the ones that run wild. The ones that no one can contain and the ones that know our worth is far above being nothing more than Brides of Christ.

I close my eyes for a moment, shake my head quickly back and forth until I feel better, then open them again. The world looks different in an instant. Black and white instead of color; monotone, bland, and a little angry.

Once I’ve closed the freezer door, I turn around and start walking toward my showroom. Beneath the halls of Our Lady of Heavenly Hope, I hide my dark indiscretions from Mother Superior—Mary Margaret, the bitch that tries her best to make sure we’re all pious little girls.

I took my own chastity long ago when I performed my first show, and I haven’t stopped raking in the money ever since.

I can’t quite remember why my hands are already bloody, and I hope my viewers won’t be too upset that I’m not using a live prop. This will be the first time I use one long since dead, and I can only hope that they’ll be just as pleased. Word of mouth travels quickly and can build or destroy a business.

My body shivers slightly as I walk into the showroom and place the package down behind the camera. I have to put on my habit, dress like the holy little girl they all expect me to be, then perform a feast for their eyes and ravage their souls as they watch.

Tonight, I’ve chosen to wear an all-white habit complete with a Leviathan cross design on the front. They know better than to expect acts of righteousness, though I think some of them still hope.

Their love of innocence lost lies in my age, having joined the convent when I was orphaned at fifteen years of age, I still look as youthful as the day I was found. My body is slim, my breasts are small, and I keep my pussy shaved to look as prepubescent as I know they would like me to be.

Two years of live shows after stumbling on some of the darkest, most depraved websites on the internet and I’ve become a sensation to those that know where to look for me.

I slip my panties off, kick them to the side, then pull on a white pair of fishnet stockings. Once those are firmly in place, I look at the row of heels I have hidden at the bottom of the closet where I keep my garments, then retrieve a pair of white, thick and tall, heeled shoes and step into them.

As I make my way back toward the camera, I pick up my package, flip on the live button on the camera and sit down on the floor in front of the screen. I’ll wait patiently until at least one of my customers joins me, then I’ll open the package to show them what we’ll be playing with tonight.

Chapter Two

A numberof glances at the screen tells me that I’ve been alone for the last five minutes since I’ve positioned myself in front of the camera. That doesn’t bother me; what does is that I can’t remember what was in this package and I’m eager to unwrap what I’m sure will be a surprise to me as well.

I set it on the floor as I cross my legs underneath me, then lean forward to give the package a sniff. Frozen bones never do smell like much and when hidden under layers of plastic wrapping, are well versed in keeping their secrets hidden.

Grunting, I lean down further, giving the slowly thawing package a poke.

Nothing moves, nothing rattles, nothing to remind me of what’s inside.