“Daddy, where do you want these?”

“Take them out to Grey’s car, sweetheart.”

“I’ve got them, sir,” the guard said.

“Thank you.”

Grey knew instantly when Larkin saw him because she stiffened, and her eyes widened.

Darian snorted. “Come here, Larkin.”

Grey watched his friend pull the girl into his lap and cuddle with her.

“Why are you afraid of him? Is it the scar?”

Larkin pulled her gaze away from him to look up at her daddy. “Scar? What scar?”

Grey grinned, and Darian rolled his eyes.

“Then what scares you?”

“He looks like the villain in all my movies. I’ve told you that, Daddy.”

Grey laughed.

“Well, he’s not. He’s a very nice man, and you’re going to hurt his feelings if you keep being afraid of him.”

Grey was surprised to see tears fill Larkin’s eyes as she looked at him.

“I’m so sorry. I promise not to be afraid of you ever again.”

“I’m glad. The last thing I want to do is scare you, honey.”

“Can I still say you’re a villain but a handsome one?” Larkin asked.

Grey chuckled when Darian scowled. “You’re not supposed to notice if another man is handsome.”

Larkin grinned up at him. “But, Daddy, no one’s ever going to be as handsome as you.”

Damn, she was cute, and he always loved the way the two interacted because he could see the affection, love, and respect both had for each other. He was glad they worked out the problem they’d had recently. He knew Darian wouldn’t have been able to deal with her leaving him.

“I better get going,” he said to interrupt them as they stared at each other. “How impressive do you want me to look? Should I have bodyguards?”

“Maybe, just bring a few with an extra car. We want you to look rich like you are but a badass, too. I’ve already texted the address to Saul.”

“So, he knew before I did?” Grey asked.

Darian grinned.

“When do I get to meet her?” Larkin asked him.

“I’m not sure, honey. She’ll have to settle in first,” Grey said.

Larkin nodded.

Grey stood and reached for the file Darian held out to him. “I’ll check in with you later.”

Darian nodded to the file. “Good. There’s the information you’ll need. I want to know how it goes.”

Grey tapped Elder on the shoulder as he passed through the open door the man held. “Thank you, good man.”

“Have a nice day, sir.”

“You, too.”