“I know. They’ll stay down here. Thank you.” Once in the elevator, he wrapped an arm around her waist and pressed a kiss to the top of her head.

They spotted a man waiting as the elevator doors opened.

“Mr. Warner and Miss Clay?” the man asked.

“Yes,” Grey said.

“Clip these visitor tags on and follow me.”

The man took them to a conference room with a long table and ten chairs. One man sat at the end of it and looked up.

“Mr. Warner,” he said and stood up with his hand out. “My name is Stanford Hale, and I’m the DA in our city.”

Grey shook his hand.

The DA looked down at Emily. “Hello, Miss Clay. I’m sorry we have to put you through this.”

“Please call me Emily.”

Stanford smiled. “I will. Please call me Stanford.”

Grey was so proud of her. He could tell she was terrified, but she stood straight, had a strong voice, and made eye contact with the man.

“Let’s sit down. Would you like something to drink? Coffee or water?”

They both shook their heads as Grey pulled her chair out and then sat close to her with an arm on the back of her chair.

The door opened, and another man walked in with a few files.

“This is Mr. Jones. He’s going to be asking the majority of the questions because he’s the lead investigator on this case,” Stanford said.

Grey narrowed his eyes on the men because he could tell there was animosity between the two.

The man spread his files out. “Now, Mr. Warner. I don’t think you need to be in here.”

Stanford interrupted him before Grey could. “He’s not going anywhere. Ask your questions.”

A muscle in Jones’s jaw throbbed before he relaxed and faced them.

“Miss Clay, do you know Armani Fowler?”

Emily glanced at Grey and then back at the man. “Yes.”

“Can you tell us how you came to live with Armani Fowler?”

“He saw me the first time when I worked at the coffee shop. He tried to get me to go out with him, and I said no. The next day on the way home, a few of his guys pulled up next to me and threw me into the back of a van.”

“Where did you live at the time?”

“Only about four blocks from the coffee shop,” Emily answered.

“You originally come from the Austin area?” Jones asked.


“What brought you here?”

Grey felt her stiffen, and he ran his hand over her shoulder.