Page 10 of Cherished

“I don’t want to make a scene,” Duncan says, a fake toothy grin on his face. He is a damn good actor, isn’t he? I want to spit in his face, but I doubt it would get me any brownie points right now. “But if I have to, I will. Wrap it up, and walk out of here.”

He then gets up and waits for me by the door, a knowing look as Jackson comes over to check on me. “What’s up with the American asshole? Should I be worried?” he questions, raising an eyebrow.

“He’s my glorified babysitter. Looks like I’ve been caught,” I grumble.

Jackson scoffs. “Well, good luck with that. You’re welcome here whenever you can spring yourself. And you can consider your tab covered.”

I sigh and thank him before sliding down and tugging my dress down, the heels feeling like a bad idea now that I am a bit tipsy, and as I get to the door I realize it isn't just raining, it is pouring. “Shit,” I curse under my breath as I am told to walk in front of Duncan. He has me go into a dark alley, and I can see the hint of a shiny black car on the other side; likely there to take us both back to the townhouse. The thunder rumbles above, and I look up just before being caught off guard, being pushed into the brick wall as the rain soaks my dark hair and makes me feel like a drowned cat.

"Have you lost your damn mind!" Duncan hollers, getting in my face, his hand above my head so that I am trapped in.

I glare at him. I am not in the mood to have this out, but if he wants to, I'll let him know what the fuck I think of all of this. "No, I think all of you have lost your damn minds. In the world I live in, the world I was shoved into because I wasn't worthy of daddy dearest, people choose who, if, and when to marry. They choose what they do for a living. And they sure as hell do not get kidnapped and taken to another country against their will without consequences from the law. I want no part in this, and I don’t care what he pays you, what you're doing by helping him is wrong."

I am sure the back of the dress is likely ruined from the rough bricks as well.

"You may not have gotten the best of him, and I won’t condone that, but he has done everything for me. It’s not about the damn money. What’s wrong is all those people out there in the world who don’t deserve what is handed to them, good or bad. Being in this world gives us the power to change it. And whether you wanted it or not, you were born into it. No amount of separating yourself by miles will make you any less a part of this," he spits, fire in his eyes.

"You shouldn’t give a damn about me. I am nobody. I was fine being a nobody."

If I had been totally sober and the rain wasn't playing tricks on my eyesight, I might have caught what he was doing in time to stop it in some way. But I am trapped the moment his hand wraps around my neck to hold me there, his lips crashing against mine like I am giving him the breath of life.

The rain comes down over us as his lips force mine to move, force me to feel something. I hate him for the way he had been watching me, the way he tricked me, but damn was he is a good kisser.