Page 11 of Cherished

Chapter Nine


I woke up and stretched, my alarm blaring at me much too early, But honestly, I needed to be up at the crack of dawn to keep an eye on this chick. She was fire, she was sneaky, and she was determined. Those things were not something easily containable, and I was the only person I trusted to keep watch on her. And I surely would have to keep a much closer eye on her after last night. Not that I minded, considering how she looked. Even if she was my boss' daughter, I was still a warm-blooded male. I still notice the way her skin is like porcelain, her hair as black as night and silky, her body the right mix of thin and curves.

I walk from my room, straight into the surveillance room I had set up in the house. I lean over the screens and searched for where Willow might be. Maybe she is still in bed, or maybe she is trying to beat all of us awake to try and get out again. I will have to get some locks on that damn window of hers so she can’t get out.

I scoff as I watched her come out of the bathroom, a towel around her neck and donning some of the athletic clothes that had been purchased for her by another one of Domn’s employees before she got here. I'd have to thank them for getting something that hugged her ass so well.

Looks like I am going to have an early morning workout.

I walk back into my room to slip on some long shorts and my Nikes. I don’t bother with a shirt. She'd like the view better anyway; maybe be more cooperative.

I come down the stairs, taking them two at a time and trying to stay light on my feet as I know few others in the place are up or on duty yet. I also don’t want to alert her I am coming. Maybe it makes me a prick, but I want to annoy her a bit. She is hot when she is pissed.

I come into the room to find she is on the treadmill, getting up to speed. I figure she is taking out some kind of aggression or stress on the thing. I can’t blame her for that. Her situation is shitty, but she could take it and do so many things with it. She would have to. Her father won't have it any other way, and if she doesn’t give in, then his death will bring a slew of enemies she doesn’t want, men much worse than her father could ever be. One day, she will have to understand that.

I sit down on the machine next to her, immediately going for working my legs while glancing over at her to wait for her reaction.

"Is there a good reason you won't give me any space or privacy? It is six in the damn morning, and I am working out. That's all," she snaps. It only makes my smile broader.

"It's my job to protect you, Willow. I am under orders here, and it seems you're kind of a hard one to protect. So, I will be here whatever you're doing, wherever you go," I tell her making my tone serious. I couldn’t be a jokester when I was trying to get it through that thick skull of hers, even as much as I enjoy a good laugh.

I watch her set her jaw and increase the speed; now she is running. "Sorry if I got your panties all in a twist last night. Even if we kiss, you're still my job to watch OVER."

Her eyes shot daggers at me even as she continued to run. She is good and pissed, more pissed than she had been able to be the night before when she was under the influence. I don’t know whether to laugh or prepare myself for a brawl. I know she is a smart girl, she could easily have words that sting, and she probably knows that even if she hit me, I likely would never harm her. I know what will happen to me if I do.

"That kiss last night was incredibly stupid on your part," she says finally. It came out matter of fact. She was so damn confident about that, I had to know.

"What makes you say that?" I inquire as I move onto my biceps.

"I am supposed to be finding a Romanian man to marry. I would think if you're watching me or protecting, or whatever it is you are actually doing here, you would do everything to support that. You are clearly not Romanian."

I tighten my jaw and let the bar snap up loudly back into place. I don’t like where she is going with this. She is challenging me. I can’t think of any woman dumb enough to do that. "Obviously, but so what?" I ask, my tone belying the anxiety I feel.

"If you don’t leave me alone and give me some space, I might just have to tell my father that you kissed me knowing that I would belong to someone else."

I lose control. I can’t help it. I stand up like some crazy superhero and lift her right off that goddamn treadmill with it still running, her kicking and screaming the whole way to her bedroom. I throw her down onto her bed and stand over her. No woman, especially one I am supposed to be keeping out of danger, is going to threaten me like that, threaten my job, my life.

"Don't threaten me, Willow. I will always come out on top." I say it as I look over her body so she knows just what I mean before walking out and closing the door behind me. Looks like it ‘s time for a cold shower.