Page 3 of Cherished

Chapter Two


Every day of my life is constantly repetitive. Constantly the same cycle being repeated over again and again. Today I decided to change things up a bit, though. My friend, Marsha talked me into downloading one of those stupid free dating apps, kind of like Tinder, but not quite the same. The men and women on here are definitely looking for more than a quick fuck, but nothing too serious. I don’t think I’m ready for any rings or wedding bells, but it’s a great option to get my feet wet in the meantime.

I take a quick whirl around the bakery, making sure that I don’t see a crumb left in sight and double check that the front windows and door are fingerprint-less. Kids are constantly pressing their dirty little fingers up against the glass, and no matter what I can never seem to keep it clean for long. Multiple times in the day I find myself wiping it down, but that’s just my OCD. My mother did the same thing. I guess I can’t really help it.

It's just passed six in the evening, and I’ve just locked the front door. All of the leftover treats from today will end up going on sale for fifty percent off tomorrow morning, and if they aren’t sold by noon, then I’ll take the leftovers down to the homeless shelter. I even have a program here at the bakery that allows customers to pay it forward in a sense and buy a pastry for a homeless person. Every Saturday I tally up how much was paid for, usually adding a few dozen extra, and take it down for a big drop off. I can’t tell you how happy they are to see me. Sometimes, I don’t just take it down to the shelter, though, I always end up taking a few treats next door for Duncan and his associates.

He moved in a few months ago; a really nice tech guy. He’s helped me a couple times with my own computer problems and even helped me re-vamp the bakery’s website. Delish has a totally new look, and he’s to thank for that. He refused to let me pay him, so I bring him over goodies when they haven’t been bought. He even comes in for eclairs and pastries in the morning as well. Every day like clockwork.

I turn off the lights, box up a few cherry danishes, and quickly run upstairs to change into my dress. I’m going out with a guy named Scott. His profile seemed decent enough, and he didn’t look like a serial killer, so I figured what the hell. Why not give it a go? I haven’t been out on a serious date in years, and that has a lot to do with my past. I don’t know when I’ll be ready for something real, or if I ever will be again. The past has a way of haunting you, even if whatever you’re doing is trying to move on and be the happiest person that you can be.

I change into a sapphire blue, bodycon dress and slide a black army style anorak jacket. It’s light but heavy enough if I get a chill. I slide on a pair of black pumps and walk downstairs, grab the box of danishes, and pull my purse against me, digging in it to find my keys so I can lock the door behind me. Just as I fish for my keys, I can feel his presence around me. If I didn’t know him, he’d give me the chills or make me jump in my place. Hell, sometimes he does. I don’t know what it is about him, but there’s something that tells me Duncan is more than meets the eye.

“Good evening,” I say to him, just as I lock the door, and I hand him the box of goodies. “These were left over. Figured that you and the boys would enjoy dessert tonight.”

He smirks, one that would make most women drop their panties. “If you keep feeding us like this, we’re all going to put on twenty pounds.”

I laugh, “That’s what you said last time. I haven’t seen any of you gain an inch.”

“Because we’re all sweating it out at the gym.” Duncan mutters under his breath.

“What are you doing here?” I ask, curious as to why he’s on my doorstep.

I gather that my question has caught him off guard. “I just wanted to see if you’d like to go grab something for dinner.” His answer shocks me. Does he mean like a date? I contemplate asking him before he answers for me.

“I think it would be good to have a follow up meeting and see if you had any questions regarding the new website. I know last time you were a little confused on the upgrades and security measures that I changed.”

Oh, a business meeting. Duncan takes a good look at me, eyes slowly dissecting my body, or maybe he’s imagining what’s under this dress of mine. “But…you look like you have plans tonight.”

I smile, trying to be the most positive as I can about going out. I haven’t done it in ages and I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t a bit nervous about it. “Yeah. I have a date tonight.”

“A date?” he questions, furrowing his brows together.

“Yes. You know, I’m kind of a catch.”

“Someone suddenly became a little cocky.” He chuckles, covering his hand over his mouth as he shakes his head.

“I’m not cocky. I just know my worth. There’s no harm in acknowledging that.”

“Very true.”

A car suddenly comes to a stop, and the sound of brakes being slammed make both Duncan and I look out in the direction of where it came from. Out steps a man….in fact, the man I’m supposed to be going out with tonight. “Scott?” I say, getting a bit nervous. He does not look anything like his profile. This guy must’ve eaten an entire human. Maybe he ate Scott…

“Hey, babycakes. Ready for a wild night? I’ve been craving an eggroll.”

I look over to Duncan, shivering on the inside and wanting to vomit at his racist pick up line. I’m Korean – not fucking Chinese. Bloody Hell. “You might want to get back in your car before I break your legs.”

“No need for that, mate. C’mon in, you can join the fun, and we’ll take turns quenching our cravings later. Bet you’re a girl who loves a good train. Yeah?”

My mouth gapes open in complete shock. I don’t know why because it’s not like I’m the virgin Mary or anything, but damn….I’ve never met someone so crass in my entire life. He’s saying this on the street for pete’s sake.

“Turn around now before I break your legs and then beat you into a bloody pulp for speaking to Willow this way,” Duncan seethes, clenching his jaw and seeing his fists balled up at his sides.

“I appreciate the whole ‘Willow is a damsel in distress’ crap, but I can handle this on my own,” I tell Duncan, rolling my eyes. It’s sweet what he did, but this isn’t the nineteenth century. I’ve been handling assholes my entire life. I can handle Scott, or this cannibalistic worm. Whatever he is. “Fuck off, Scott. There’s a Chinese buffet down the road. Good luck with that ravenous appetite of yours.”

“Guess you’re free for dinner now,” Duncan chuckles lowly under his breath. “In the mood for Chinese?”

I laugh, “Hell no. Take me where you take all the ladies,” I joke, linking my arm with his, we step off onto the street and begin to walk away from Scott who’s cursing and grumbling up a storm.

“I can’t. It’s closed.”

I put the pieces together rather quickly. “Bullshit. You don’t bring any girls to the bakery.”

“No, not talking about the bakery. Someplace different, but I know a nice place nearby. I hope you’re hungry, Willow.”
