Page 4 of Cherished

Chapter Three


I didn’t plan for last night to go the way in did in any sense of the word. I’m here to work for fucks sake, and instead I find myself actually being interested in the woman I’m supposed to be protecting. The only reason I’m here is because Kristof told me to be. He wanted his best man to watch his daughter, closely, but I do wonder if I’m watching her too closely now. I didn’t have to take her out to dinner last night. No, I wanted to do that. It’s making me realize that I’m going to be in deep shit very soon because I can sense how out of hand this is going to get.

That fucking skeezeball made me want to plummet my fist through his face, in more ways than one. She ended up telling me later on how she signed up for a dating website. I don’t know if it’s the employee in me that disliked it, seeing as how there are obvious threats against her in the first place. Or, if it’s just that I don’t want her dating anyone. Her safety is at risk, which is why I’m here in the first place. Willow just isn’t privy to any of that information yet, and while I hope that she never has to be, I know better. Kristof’s health has been going down the shitter for months now. I can hear it in his voice. I get reports back from my men in London. He’s looking far worse than when I left to come to Melbourne, and it’s only a matter of time.

I know what I’ll have to end up doing to Willow, and no matter how hard I try, nothing will prepare me for that. She has a life here, one that she’s built for herself out of nothing. She isn’t aware that I know far more about her than just any friendly neighbor, but like I said, that will change soon. Kristof is dying, and Willow is his only remaining heir. A bastard child of the Romanian Clans, and the only person who can take over for him after he dies. Personally, I think she ran half way across the world because she wants nothing to do with her father or his lifestyle. I can’t say that I blame her for that, but regardless, this decision isn’t up to her. Her hand will be forced whether she wants the seat or not. If she had any living siblings, then it would be different, then they could take it from her. Unfortunately for Willow, she doesn’t have the luxury of that option. All of her siblings have been slaughtered, and Kristof fears that she’s next.

Harris comes up next to me, “Boss. Domn is on the phone and would like to speak to you.”

I nod and take the phone from his hands. “Domn, it’s unlike you to call Harris instead of me directly.”

I hear a faint sound of coughing in the background. “You aren’t usually so hard to get ahold of, Duncan. I’ve been trying to reach you for the last hour. I need an update on my daughter.”

I run my hand across my face thinking about the night prior and how I let my personal feelings for her cloud the way I conduct myself. “She’s doing very well, her bakery is still successful, and she’s continuing to work all the time.”

“Good. There has been chatter amongst the clan leaders, we’re working on identifying who is behind the killings but as of yet nothing has been definitive. More threats have been made, and not just against Willow. I’ll be frank with you, Duncan. I fear for her safety, and you need to bring her back home soon. Something uneasy is settling inside me, almost like trouble is around the corner.”

“Understood, Sir.” I take a glance up at the security monitors that we have located throughout the bakery, Willow’s apartment and in the street and alleyway surrounding us. That’s when I notice the same van has been sitting across the street from Delish for well over an hour. “I have to go, Domn. I will speak to you again soon with an update.” I hang up on Kristof and turn my head back to Harris. “Have you seen this van before?” I ask, pointing to the screen.

Harris shakes his head from left to right, but Marcos speaks up, “They were parked in the same spot two days ago.”

I furrow my brows together, contemplating. “Did you see any activity? People going to and from the van with equipment, or were they just idling the entire time?”

“Idling.” Marcos is quick with his reply, and I scoff. Bastard knows better. I don’t have to tell him that he should’ve said something to me prior because he already knows. I can wait to rip him a new asshole until later. What I can’t wait on is trying to figure out what kind of threat this is. Like Kristof said, trouble is around the corner.

I stand up from my seat, grab the laptop that I “work” on sometimes next door in the bakery, and look to both Harris and Marcos. “Be prepared for anything. Make sure all exits are clear and that we aren’t sitting ducks. I don’t like this shit one bit, and Kristof just told me unsettling news.” Neither of them are privy to the information that I am, so I’m unable to tell them what I know. They just have to trust me and do their jobs effectively.

I walk out of my building and head directly into Delish. Willow waves her hand from behind the counter. “Hmm. A little odd that you’re here at this hour.”

“Wifi’s down next door. You don’t mind if I take a seat, do you?” I ask her, knowing that she won’t care. My wifi is fine. Willow, on the other hand, isn’t.

“Sure. Let me get you a coffee and something yummy.”

“Willow, you don’t have to do that,” I grumble, rolling my eyes at how sweet the girl is.

“Nonsense. You still won’t let me pay you, so I insist on giving you free food and drinks. Have you had lunch yet?”

I shake my head, “No. Not yet.”

“Perfect. I’ll heat up a fresh meat pie for you.”

I don’t bother arguing with her. She’s one of the most bullheaded women that I’ve ever had the pleasure of knowing. It’s just a waste of my time and energy.

Willow brings me over a hot coffee along with the promised meat pie soon after. I watch the van from the corner of my eyes closely and as each minute passes us by I become more concerned. I pull my phone out from my pocket and text the boys, informing them to be on standby and to have Kristof’s jet ready to leave at a moment’s notice. I look over to Willow who is smiling, tidying up as she always does, and I can’t help but wonder if she’ll be the same woman when I rip her from this place…or will she turn rabid like a dog?

From the corner of my eye, I can see the van door open, and two men come barreling out. I don’t miss the guns in their hands, and that’s all the confirmation I need to get Willow the hell out of here. “Willow, get out the back door. Now!” I scream at her, shooting up from my seat as I head towards the counter.

She looks at me with confusion across her face. “What? Why?”

I look back to me and see the men making headway, almost at the entrance of the bakery. “Damn it.” I grab onto her shoulder, squeeze and tug her along with me. “I don’t have time to explain everything. I work for your father, and if you don’t come with me, then you’ll be dead in less than five minutes.” I feel her tense up but continue to drag her with me because there is no other option. If she insists on staying behind, then I’ll happily throw her ass in the back of the SUV that Marcos has parked behind the shop. I just hope she doesn’t make me do that. We both make our way out the back door, and the SUV is already running with both Harris and Marcos inside. I open the back door and make sure Willow is in before I jump in behind her and Marcos takes off.

Shit just got real.