Page 12 of Broken Biker



I'm a dumbass. I don't know what the hell is wrong with me. We had sex, the best night of my life, and I'm ready to commit to this girl for forever. I couldn't sleep for holding her in my arms and picturing the future that we could have. I literally had to force myself out of that bed this morning before I woke her up and started talking about the future. I know it's all kinds of fucked up considering that I don't even know her, but what I do know, I love.

Her husband just died. People are after her. There's no way she can make any decisions about her life at this point. And then here I am just adding to the grief. She wants to act like last night was just a good time. I'll let her. At least for now.

Nash comes in the front doors and stops beside us. He gives a nod to Allison and then knocks on the table in front of me. "Can we talk in your office?"

"Yeah," I tell him. "Go on in. I'll be right there."

Nash walks away, and I look to Allison. "I'm going to talk to him. If you need anything, I'm just right through those double doors there."

She smiles, but her eyes look sad. "I'm fine. I'll be all right."

There's so much that I want to say to her, but I don't dare. Not yet. Without another word, I get up and walk down the hall to my office. Nash is pacing up and down. "I thought you had sort of retired," I tell him as I take a seat behind my big desk.

He laughs. "Technically I am retired. However, if it's something local that needs done, then I do help Walker if he's out of town."

"So did you find out anything?" I ask him.

He nods and then sits down on the chair across from me. "Yeah, we're pretty sure it's this Bruno character that we're looking for. He's lying low, but I think we know how to draw him out."

I instantly tense because I know what his next words are going to be, and Nash doesn't surprise me in the least when he says, "We want to use Allison as bait."

I shake my head sternly. "It's not happening."

"Kane," he starts, but I'm shaking my head at him.

"No. I'm telling you that is not an option. I want to catch this guy just as much as everyone else does, but I'm not going to use her to do it."

Nash leans across my desk. "You know that she probably wants this to be over more than any of us. She'd probably be happy to do it. We would be able to protect her."

I shake my head in refusal. "It's not happening. I'm not going to put her at risk. Let me think for just a minute." I push myself up from my chair and start to pace back and forth across the concrete floor. I try to think of alternatives.

Nash is not going to give up on this, though. "We’ll be close the whole time... We won’t let her out of our sight."

I'm shaking my head, not even giving him an answer. I trust Nash and Walker's men, but not with this. Hell, there’s no one I would trust with her safety except for me. “I need to be with her. I stay right with her and we...” But my voice drops off because I can’t say the wordsuse her for bait. Fuck, it sounds awful.

Nash is getting frustrated. "You know it doesn't work like that. If he got one look at you, he would take off. She needs to be by herself, but we would be close. Nothing’s going to happen to her."

I put my hands on my hips and look at him. "She's not doing it. I know it's not ideal, but I'm going to do it. I’m going to be the one to lure him out. She ditched her car, so we can drive it in, and I'll drive. I'm sure it's got tinted windows, and I'll pull straight into the garage. He'll think it's her coming home. He won't know. I'll have a few of my guys hidden in the back. If he's keeping an eye out for her, then he'll come to the house. And by the time he finds out it's not her, it won't matter because we'll have him."

Nash is shaking his head. "You won't give up with this, will you?"

I'm always somebody that listens to others' opinions and ideas. I know that my answer is not always the right one, but with this one, it is. "No, she's not doing it. That's your only option."

He's frustrated with me. It's obvious, but I really don't care. "Okay," he says, "we'll make it work. We'll need a few days to set this up."

I nod my head as Nash walks out of the room. There's some relief that I feel knowing that I'll have at least a few days with Allison before she leaves me for good.



Kane comes out of his office shortly after Nash does. I know they had some kind of disagreement by the way that Nash barely waves bye at me and practically stomps out of the clubhouse. When Kane comes out, he walks straight to me. “Everything okay?” I ask him.

He shrugs. “Yeah, everything’s fine.”