Page 105 of The Chaos You Crave

Things were coming together, my plan was in motion, and I finally felt like I could breathe again.



AshtynandIslepton the pull-out couch in Axel's pool house. Well, Ashtyn slept and I watched her, too wound up to close my eyes. I wanted to talk to her about what happened before the incident with Reynolds. I wanted to explain myself and apologize, but she wasn’t in the mood to discuss it. She let me hold her all night, so that had to be a good sign, right?

I had a lot of making up to do.

We formulated a plan to make sure Reynolds would never be around students again, but it wasn't enough for me. I had a craving for his blood, to make him beg for mercy, to make him feel pain like he inflicted on Ashtyn.

She clung to me on the uncomfortable bed, her breaths shallow as she slept. When her eyes fluttered as she dreamed, I would rub her back until she settled.

Cade and Bronx decided to stay in guest rooms inside the mansion, and Axel was in his room here in the pool house. I didn't want Bronx going home alone all things considered. We could've stayed in a guest room–the mansion had at least fifteen different ones to choose from–but Ashtyn said she felt safest in the pool house.

My chest warmed thinking about my brothers protecting Ashtyn and making her feel safe. She needed that. She never had it from her family. Cade, Axel, and Bronx all cared about her–that much was clear.

I kissed the top of her head as she started to stir, her eyes slowly opening and adjusting to the dawn light coming through the windows. She looked up at me and smiled. "Hi.”

"Hi," I said before kissing her lightly on her smooth lips. I wanted to be gentle with her. More gentle than I used to be. I didn't want to trigger any thoughts ofhimor that night.

Ashtyn's stomach growled loudly so I put my hand on her tummy. "We need to get you something to eat. You're going to need your strength today."

"I know. I think I can finally eat and not get sick.” She placed her hand over mine and interlaced our fingers.

"Then it's settled. I'll get the guys up and we can hit The Diner before school."

Afteralotofgrumbling from Cade, arguing from Bronx, and indifference from Axel, we made it to The Diner with an hour to spare before hell broke loose at school. Ashtyn grinned at me before orderingwafflesand ate like it was the first meal she'd had in days–which it probably was.

We had normal conversation–bickering between Cade and Bronx about football, Axel went on about an app he was developing, and I kept my arm around my girl, soaking up every bit of her. She smiled and even laughed a few times.

Once we got to school, that came crashing down. I felt the energy shift between us. Ashtyn was nervous, clinging to me and Bronx as we walked into the school. We already sent the goods to the local news station, and someone replied that they were going to be working on the development. So that wheel was turning.

Axel was giddy, ready to launch the second phase of the attack. He set up a special surprise for Ash–he was going to send out a compilation of the clips to every student’s email address, both at GPHS and GPU, considering a lot of students at the university knew Reynolds from high school.

Shit was going to hit the fan and we were all going to witness the fallout.

We walked to Ashtyn's locker and Bronx kissed her on the cheek before leaving to go to his. He still felt guilty for not telling me about finding her in the shower, and that did piss me off, but I knew why he did it. He loved her and wanted to make her happy. He wanted to do what she wanted him to, which at the time meant not getting me involved. That would never happen again.

My chest tightened as I watched her swap out books and check her bruise in the small mirror attached to her locker door. Once she was done, she slammed the door shut and turned to me.

I was smiling like a weirdo and she started smiling too. "What?"

I took her free hand and brought it to my lips, kissing her knuckles. "I'm here for you, princess. I fucking swear it."

"I know, West. You don't have to act like I'm breakable, like some fragile doll you have to treat with care.”

"I'll remember that," I teased as I gripped the back of her head and pulled her into my lips. I kissed her hard, making up for lost time, consuming her, and reminding her of the badass woman she is. She kissed me back with just as much fervor, the hand that wasn't clutching textbooks digging into my lower back and making my cock ache for her touch.

"I need you," she whispered as she pulled away.

"I'm right here, baby. I'll be here for anything you need.”

"No, I mean Ineedyou.” She glanced down at my hard cock that was poking into her belly.

Fuck, I needed her too. But once we were together again, back to fucking again, I wanted it to be special for her. It wasn't going down in the locker room or the parking lot.

"I know we can't right now," she continued, "but I just wanted you to know."

Danielle Renee's Novels