Page 106 of The Chaos You Crave

I kissed her, flicking my tongue along her lips, dipping into her sweet mouth, wishing I was lapping at her pussy instead.All in good time.

She moaned into my mouth and I almost lost it. Finding the strength to not haul her to the locker room and fuck her into next month was hard.

So. Fucking. Hard.

"Hey," interrupted Axel, eliciting a growl from my chest. Ashtyn giggled and pecked me on the lips before turning her attention to him.

"Bomb is about to go boom," Axel smirked. "You ready?"

She gripped my hand and nodded. "Let's fucking go."

"See you on the other side," Axel mock-saluted before disappearing around the corner into a dark classroom.

Almost immediately, phones around us went off, alerting the student body of a mass notification. Everyone stopped what they were doing, halting their conversations to check their messages. Ashtyn checked her phone. I didn't bother with mine since the screen was still cracked to shit, and we heard a round of gasps and "no way!" and "I'm not surprised" coming from all around us.

Every single person in that hallway stared at their phones in disbelief.

The most shocked was Kendra, who checked her phone like everyone else. The color drained from her face, the bandage on her nose concealing some of her shock, and her mouth opened and closed continuously like she was at a loss for words.

She ran–ran–in her high heels to the main entrance and flew out the door. Her minions stood dumbfounded, staring after her, unsure of what to do without specific commands from their leader.

The bell to start our first period had gone off but no one moved. No one gave a shit about class–the biggest scandal to hit Gilchrist Point HS in years was unfolding before our eyes and no one wanted to miss a second of it.

Ashtyn and I moved to get a better view of the office door. It was only a matter of time before–The door swung open and an angry Principal Brecken strode through with purpose. Her brown pantsuit was ironed to perfection and her short black hair flopped on the top of her head as she zoomed past us, making the same path as Kendra to the main entrance.

"Where's she going?"

"Maybe she's going after Kendra," I bemused. That would be hilarious. A hard-ass, brute woman like Brecken taking down the demure, little sheep like Kendra. Someone better get that shit on video.

Axel, Cade, and Bronx approached us. "It's happening," Axel said, excitement sparkling in his green eyes. He didn't get hyped up over much, but taking down our pervert teacher was getting him going.

A light purple flash zipped before my eyes and landed in front of Ashtyn. "Did you see it? Of course, you did. Everyone did. I can't believe it. Kendra and Mr. Reynolds?" Gabby shuddered.

Her wide eyes looked past Ashtyn to Cade, and then back to her friend.

"I know, it's crazy.”

"Whoa, check it out!" said Bronx, pointing to the main entrance where Brecken led the way for three uniformed Gilchrist Point police officers. They marched past us, not even glancing in our direction, and headed for the art wing.

Fuck, it was happening. They were taking Reynolds out.

Ashtyn took a quick breath but didn't release it–a sign she was on the verge of an attack. I gripped her waist with both hands and spun her around to me, holding her eye contact. "Breathe baby, breathe. This will all be over soon. You're so fucking brave."

She put her hands on my shoulders, digging her nails into my skin. I moved my hands to her face, trying to talk to her without words, trying to tell her it was going to be okay with just my eyes.

Gabby, Cade, Axel, and Bronx stared at us, unsure of what else to do.

"Someone get her some water," Gabby snapped. She started rubbing Ashtyn's back and Bronx took off in the direction of the vending machines.

"I'm okay," Ashtyn said so quietly I would've missed it had my eyes not been on her lips.

Suddenly there was a tussle behind us. Everyone started whispering and the crowd parted. It was the devil in an olive waistcoat. Flanked by police officers and Principal Brecken, Reynolds sauntered down the hallway like he didn’t have a care in the world. Like he hadn't been caught boinking one of his students on the down low.

He smiled at Ashtyn as he passed and pursed his lips slightly. I growled in response and tried to go for him, but Bronx appeared with a bottle of water for Ashtyn and stopped me in my tracks. He put his hands on my chest and kept me back.

"Have some," Gabby said to Ashtyn, handing her the bottle of water. She took a sip and watched as Reynolds was led to the office. Her eyes narrowed on him and once he was through the door, she let out a deep breath.

"What the fuck's going on? Does this have something to do with that plan you were telling me about yesterday?" Gabby asked Ashtyn quietly. She looked at me and then back to Ash.

Danielle Renee's Novels