Page 119 of The Chaos You Crave

I was torn between saying something and saying nothing. The longer I sat there silently, the angrier he got, but there was no way anything coming out of my mouth would make him happy.


“Daniel,” I choked, trying to get enough air to speak. He released me as an evil grimace graced his lips.

“I know things went bad for us…” I tried not to gag on my own words. “But they can be good again, can’t they?”

He eyed me suspiciously.

“I’m so tired of fighting this. Of fighting us. The only reason I was with West was for a distraction. I didn’t think you liked me inthatway. And after Aces…I was afraid. But now I know that you only did that because you wanted me so much. You couldn’t help it.” I tried to reach for him with my restricted hand.

Damn, I deserved an Oscar for this performance.

“Do you mean that, my Queen? Or are you trying to trick me into letting you go? You know I’m going to destroy that bastard. I have unlimited resources,” Reynolds ran his nose along my cheek. “You are mine. You will live with me and be my wife. And I’ll fuck you every single day, and get you pregnant, and fuck you some more.”

Sure, Jan. I’d throw myself off a balcony before I ever came close to marrying him. “I mean it, Daniel. I…I want to touch you, but I can’t.” I nodded at the restraints as they dug even further into my skin. Blood dripped from my wrists and ankles.

What’s a few more scars to add to the repertoire?

“That barbarianPetesaid I had to leave you alone until tomorrow and purchase you fair and square. But I couldn’t help it, I just couldn’t…” Reynolds’ eyes bounced between my wrists, licking his lips once he spotted the blood.

“I’m glad you came for me,” I grimaced. “Let’s get out of here, Daniel. I’m ready to go home with you.”

He sighed and pulled out a pocketknife. “No funny business. We can’t get caught sneaking out of here. I haven’t paid for you yet.”

I rolled my eyes internally as Reynolds started hacking away at the plastic wrapped around one of my ankles. My feet flopped on the bed once they were off. Whatever drug Pete gave me, along with the loss of blood flow, made my legs tingle from my ass to my toes, and I worried if I’d be able to walk out of here. I let out a breath of relief once my wrists were released, shaking my hands out to get the feeling back. Reynolds gave me that signature creepy smile of his as he pushed his glasses up his nose.

“You’re so beautiful,” he murmured, putting his hand on my cheek. I tried to sit up but the room started spinning, so I ended up on my back again. Reynolds crawled up my body, kissing my neck and palming at my breasts.

“Daniel, I don’t want to do this here. Let’s go home,” I said, trying to get him tostop touching me.I felt a panic attack creeping in because I couldn’t move my legs. They still felt tingly and I knew if I were to stand, I’d end up face-planting on the floor.

Reynolds continued his assault on my body, although he was much gentler than the last time. I wanted to puke as he trailed his saliva along my neck and ear. “I want younow, my Queen. You’re going to learn to submit to me. I love your fire but when I tell you I want you, you will obey me.” He roared, his mask of coolness slipping to reveal the real monster lurking beneath the surface.

My body tensed and I flinched away, unable to control my natural bodily reaction to his presence. His eyes darkened as he reared his hand back, ready to hit me again, when I flung myself off the side of the bed, landing on the floor with athud. Pain shot up my hip, which took the brunt of the fall.

Reynolds jumped over the bed and grabbed my hair, yanking hard. I cried out and punched at his shins and knees, doing anything to try and hurt him even though my body wasn’t cooperating. He released the grip on my hair and put his arm around my neck. He pulled me up against himself, choking me with his forearm and taking most of my weight. My legs were wobbly but my arms were functioning again. I threw my elbows back and managed to land a hit to his gut, but he didn’t release my neck. I couldn’t breathe and I knew I had to act fast or I’d be passing out, leaving myself vulnerable to his depravity.

“Little fucking liar! You’re going to pay for this!” Reynolds screamed in my ear.

My consciousness was slipping, unable to breathe, and blackness was taking over my vision.

“Hey! Get the fuck off her!” A woman yelled from the other side of the room.

Reynolds dropped me and I slammed onto the floor–again. He spun around to face the dark angel–that’s what she looked like to me. Even on the brink of passing out, I could tell she was gorgeous. Like supermodel beautiful. But she was fuckingpissed.

Her raven hair flashed across the room, suddenly appearing before Reynolds and kicking him in the balls with her pointy sky-high heels. Reynolds groaned and clutched his crotch, the tip of the shoe most likely penetrating his gnarly appendage.

She grabbed him by his hair and pulled him to the nightstand, bashing his face on it one, two, three times. Blood poured from Reynolds as she threw him across the room, pouncing on him and pulling out a syringe from her belt. She jabbed him in the neck and plunged. His eyes rolled to the back of his head before he passed out.

Apparently, people around here just kept syringes filled with drugs on hand.

The woman huffed as she stood above Reynolds’ unconscious body. She kicked him in the ribs and mutteredfucker. She flipped her hair over her shoulder and pulled up the leather corset that barely contained her breasts. Once she was back in place, she turned to me.

“What happened to you?” She walked to me and helped me stand. She sat me on the edge of the bed and inspected my wrists. “Shit, you’re in shock.”

I didn’t realize I was staring, mouth open, and shaking like a leaf. Everything happened so quickly. If this woman hadn’t come in here and saved me, Reynolds would be fucking my corpse right now.

She went to the sink on the side of the room and filled a glass with water. “Have some,” she instructed.

Danielle Renee's Novels