He catches Wolf’s wrist and snags the box out of his hand. The more he reads, the harder he frowns. “What is this?”

“It’s Plan B. It’s a…” I wave my hand vaguely. “A concentrated form of birth control.” I heard a group of the humans talking about it when they didn’t think any of the vampires were around. No one in my father’s compound used protection, but they were whispering about a way to avoid getting pregnant by the turned vampires. They all had their eyes set on the bloodline ones and didn’t want a dhampir baby without any powers. None of them seemed to worry theirbloodlinedhampir child might not have powers. Another way I’m a freak, an eternal disappointment.

“Will this hurt you?”

I hadn’t really thought about it. “No?” I honestly don’t know. It’s made for humans, and while my system seems to function nearly identically, there’s really no telling. “I don’t think so?”

“But you don’t know.”

I reach for it, but he holds it just beyond my grasp. “Malachi, give it here. Worst case, something goes wrong and you just give me blood to heal me. It’s fine.” I’m sure it’s fine. I don’t sound quite as confident as I want to, but I’m rattled and I can feel Rylan’s gaze drilling a hole into the side of my head. I turn to him. “Tell him! This is what you want, isn’t it?”

A muscle in Rylan’s jaw twitches. “Have you taken human medication before?”

I blink. “Not you, too. You’ve been petitioning for my death since you showed up. What do you care?”

“Circumstances have changed.”

I blink again. “Yeah, I’m going to need you to elaborate on what the hell you mean because you aren’t making any sense.”

Rylan crosses his arms over his chest. “You’re not human.”

“I’m dhampir.”

He glares. “That’s not what I’m talking about. These two don’t recognize it because they’re babies.” He motions at Malachi and Wolf. “By the time they were born, we’d already started retreating and so dhampirs became more and more uncommon outside of colonies like your fathers; places we don’t go.”

I’m still trying to comprehend how old Rylan must be if he’s calling Malachi and Wolfbabies. I’m still not quite sure how long they’ve been around, but it’s long enough to get stuffy and mad, respectively. If I lined the three of them up, I’d assume Rylan was the youngest based on how he acts. Shows what I know.

Malachi’s looking at Rylan with something other than antagonism. “What are you saying?”

“Who cares? Regardless of what I am, I have no magic to speak of so it doesn’t matter.” I try to grab the box again. “Noneof this matters or has anything to do with the potential pregnancy.”

“Ingesting chemicals the humans have thrown together is dangerous. There’s no guarantee our blood would be enough to counteract it.”

I am half a second from shrieking in frustration. “Then you get your wish and I’m dead. I still don’t see why you’re arguing.”

Rylan leans down and looks at me. Silver flashes over his eyes and the sight of it holds me immobile despite my anger. “You really don’t know, do you?”

“Rylan,” Wolf drawls. “You’re not usually such a tease. Spit it out and tell us what she is.”

“I don’t know.”

Malachi curses and Wolf laughs. “All that build up, for nothing. Pity.”

“If I knew what she was, this would be simpler to navigate.” He still hasn’t taken his gaze from me. Finally, Rylan shakes his head. “We can’t risk it.”

That’s about enough of that. I start moving to the edge of the mattress. I can’t let myself believe what he’s saying. When I was young, I dreamed someday my magic would present itself and I’d be able to cast illusions like other dhampirs of my father’s bloodline. Those dreams have long since turned to ash. It’s not happening. Wanting it despite all evidence pointing to the contrary is a recipe for hating myself, and there’s already enough people in this world who hate me. I don’t need to add to their number. I’m not about to start now. “Yeah, you’re still not making any sense, so I’m going to need that pill now.”

Malachi tosses the box to Wolf and catches my shoulders. “Let’s hear what he has to say.” His expression is carefully neutral. “If, when he’s done talking, you still want it, you can have it.”

Frustration sinks its claws into me, but I do my best to stifle it. At least they’re talking to me and no one has set the damn pill on fire or something, so I suppose that’s progress. “Fine.”

“And drink that.” Wolf points at the protein drink. “You’re looking peaky, love.”

“Thanks,” I say drily, but Iamfeeling dizzy still, so I make myself open the bottle and take a few drinks. It’s warm and less than appetizing, but it’s better than nothing. I twist to look at Rylan. “It doesn’t matter what other theoretical supernatural blood I carry because I have no magic. I’m not even particularly strong or fast for a dhampir. I am utterly average in every way, aside from apparently being particularly tasty.”

Instead of answering, he moves back to lean against the wall and studies me. “What do you know about other supernatural creatures?”

Little more than rumors. My father is so hyper-focused on vampires, he doesn’t care about the other things out there that aren’t human. Why would he? They don’t bother him, they can’t help him accomplish his goals, and so they’re beneath his notice. “Next to nothing. Other than apparently some of them would be strong enough to break the blood ward.” Understanding dawns. I frown. “But, again, for the millionth time; I have no magic. I can’t break a blood ward. I wouldn’t even know how to try.” And I don’t want to try. Not when it won’t change anything. I spent countless hours focusing so hard I got piercing headaches because I was sure if I just focused hard enough, I could manifest my magic. It didn’t work then. It won’t work now.