“Some of them mature late. A quarter century is nothing.”

My chest gets tight and I have to fight to speak through it without yelling. “Stop it.”

His brows draw together and he looks actually confused instead of just icy and terrifying. “I don’t understand why you’re fighting this. It’s a fact. Your blood is not just vampire and human. There’s something else there. It’s familiar, but I can’t place it. The fact it’s strong enough to be tasted means it’s strong enough to manifest.” He tilts his head to the side. “It would explain your lack of magic. The other blood is more powerful than the vampire half of you.”

“You’re crazy.”

His blue eyes are merciless. “Why not try? What do you have to lose?”

I close my eyes and strive to think instead of reacting emotionally. It will hurt if this is all bullshit and nothing changes. It will hurt a lot. But it won’t kill me. If I don’t get out of this house, ifMalachidoesn’t get out of this house, my father might.

Really, it’s a simple decision when I lay it out like that.

I exhale slowly and open my eyes. “What do I have to do?”

Rylan glances at Wolf and Malachi, and then refocuses on me. “There are two ways. Pain or pleasure.”

I wait, but he doesn’t offer anything more. “So you want to torture me.”

Malachi snorts. “No, little dhampir, no one is getting tortured.”

“It might be the only answer.” I glance at him, and gods, my chest aches just looking at him. It’s too soon to feel something so strong, but hell if I can push the feeling away. “I’vehadpleasure since I’ve been here, especially in the last twelve hours. Nothing’s happened.”

“Pleasure.” Wolf drops onto the bed beside me and laughs in that slightly unhinged way of his. “You haven’t seen anything yet, love.” He grins, flashing fang. “But it’ll be fun to blow that pretty little mind of yours.”

I had already planned on grabbing every bit of pleasure possible, so I suppose this isn’t exactly a trial. Still… I look over to find Rylan still watching me too closely. Every instinct I have says the other shoe is about to drop. “What am I missing?”

“Those two can’t do it on their own.” He doesn’t move, doesn’t seem to breathe. “I have to be involved.”

I blink. “You wanted me dead—literally dead—twenty minutes ago.”

“Things change.”

“You don’t like me.”

His lips twitch the tiniest bit. “Are you really that naive you think sex and fondness have anything to do with each other?”

No, of course not. But there is a large distance betweenfondnessand wanting to murder someone. Isn’t there? “No. I guess I’m not.” I guess if he can handle his side of things, all he has to do is bite me to get me onboard.

And Rylan is sexy. I really hate he’s sexy. He’s like some ice king that’s wandered in and letting him touch me might freeze me right down to my bones, but I can’t quite forget how good it felt to have him pressed against me.

Apparently now I’ve gotten a taste for sex and bloodline vampire bites, I’m in danger of getting addicted. The thought should worry me, but I’ll deal with the consequences later. If there’s a way to get us out of this trap my father’s constructed, I’m going to do it.

I look up at Malachi. He doesn’t seem particularly pleased by this turn of events, but he’s not exactlydispleased, either. I can’t read the expression on his face. He motions to the box in his hand. “Will you agree to hold off on this until we try?”

“The longer I hold off, the less effective it is.”

“All the same.”

I search his face, but it’s like the first few days here. I can’t tell what he’s thinking. “If this works, you’ll be free.” He’ll have no reason to keep me around.

That should make me happy, right? After all, the only thing I want is what I’ve wanted since I was old enough to watch my hopes turn to ash. Freedom. No vampires to speak of. A chance to figure out my own way. And hopefully not stumble right into a government facility that will spend the rest of my life doing experiments on me.

I drop my gaze, but Malachi plants his hand on the bed and leans down until it’s more awkward to avoid his gaze than to look at him. I still can’t read the expression on his face. “We won’t leave you hanging.”

Something like hope flutters in my chest and I want nothing more than to squash it. “You’ve been locked up here a long time, Malachi. You’re not in any position to offer me protection.” Which isn’t what he’s offering anyway. He said they won’t leave me hanging.They. I shake my head. “And you can’t speak for them.”

“No, I can’t.” He doesn’t move. “But I’m speaking for me. I want you to stay with me. If that’s not what you want, we’ll figure out a way for you to land safely. I give you my word.”