I don’t have to check on them to know what they’re doing. Wolf never hesitates to bring sex into any given situation, and Malachi might pretend that he’s the controlled one, but it’s plain to anyone who spends time in their presence for ten seconds that he missed the other vampire. “They’re fucking by now.”

Rylan stops in the doorway. “I know.”

I should leave it alone, but I wouldn’t be me if I wasn’t pushing. “Both of them would be thrilled if you joined in.”

His shoulders drop the barest amount. “I know that, too.”

I don’t ask him why he’s holding out. We have enough to deal with without me meddling in affairs that started centuries before I was born. I can’t help wanting to smooth things over and give these three vampires what little happiness we can find in this world.

It’s not my place.

Apparently Iamcapable of restraint.

I motion to the door. “After you.”


The blood barrier feels strange.

I couldn’t feel the one around Malachi’s house. I passed over it without even being aware it existed. This is different. I’m not sure if it’s because my seraph power has awakened or if it’s the barrier itself.

I reach out, startled to discover the air feeling like it gets thicker the closer my palm comes to the doorway into the living room. “Weird.”

“Stop.” Rylan catches my wrist. “Don’t touch it until he lets you in. Knowing Wolf, there will be some nasty surprise if you do.”

Through the doorway, we can see Malachi and Wolf. They’ve lost their clothes somewhere along the way and Malachi is covered in blood. Their bodies move in a rhythm as old as time itself, Malachi thrusting into Wolf and Wolf rising to meet him.

Despite the orgasm I just had, desire heats my blood as I watch. “They’re so damn beautiful.”


The pain in Rylan’s voice drags my attention to him. He looks agonized, so much so that he’s forgotten to wear his normal icy mask. It hurts my chest and I rub my hand against my sternum. I don’t know how to fix this. I don’t even know where to begin. He won’t thank me for meddling, either.

When there are no right answers, I go with the only tool at my disposal.

I sink to my knees before him. He tracks the movement. “What are you doing?”

Relying entirely on instinct. I run a single finger along the hard length of his cock where it presses against his slacks. “May I?”

“Mina.” He shudders out a breath. “Yes.”

I carefully undo his slacks and draw out his cock. Fucking Rylan is one thing. I know I can take most of what he can give me. Giving him head when he might lose control is something else altogether. I’m particularly vulnerable like this. If he shifts or…

It doesn’t matter.

Right now, he needs me and I refuse to back away from that need. I hold his gaze and take his cock into my mouth as best I can. Even without partially shifting, he’s still large enough that my jaw aches. I push the pain away and hold his gaze, taking him deeper.

His eyes flash silver and he reaches for me before he seems to catch himself. Likely he’s all too aware of what his claws could do to my face if he forgets himself.

I withdraw slowly and rub my lips against his blunt head. “Watch them.”

“Fuck.” Rylan’s back hits the wall behind him and he stabs his claws into the drywall. But he does as I say and lifts his gaze to watch the two vampires fucking on the other side of the doorway.

I go back to sucking his cock. He’s shaking with the strength of his restraint, and while I appreciate it, a reckless part of me wants that uncontrolled edge he keeps showing me. I crave it on a level I’m not prepared to deal with.

His length prevents me from taking him entirely, so I use my hands to compensate, focusing every bit of my attention on making him feel good. If I can give him nothing else, I can do this. Pleasure. It won’t balance the scales of the bond or the mess we’re in, but it’s something.

Rylan starts thrusting. At first, it’s so subtle, I barely notice his hips rising to meet my lips on each downstroke. But all too quickly, he’s fucking my mouth. I can tell he’s still being careful, still too aware of how much larger and stronger he is.