I look up and pause when I find him watchingmeinstead of Malachi and Wolf. We stare at each other and I see the exact moment he snaps. He grabs a fistful of my hair and pulls me off his cock, shoving me to the floor and covering me with his body. And then he’s inside me and, gods, I don’t know how it keeps being this good.

With Rylan, it isn’t sex.

It isn’t even fucking.


He thrusts into me so hard, we inch our way up the hallway toward the living room. Rylan glances up and snarls. He drags one nail down his throat, leaving a long line of blood that makes my mouth water. Then he sinks his claws into the wood floor on either side of my hips, pinning me in place as he fucks me.

I arch up and close my mouth around his throat. The first swallow of blood sizzles through my veins. The second sweeps me away entirely. Pleasure and pain and power. I never knew it could be like this, never knew that I could have anything but pain.

I come hard, so hard that I forget myself and bite his neck. It doesn’t matter that I don’t have fangs like a vampire. I’m acting on instinct alone.

Rylan curses and then he’s grinding into me as he comes. Filling me up again.

I hope he doesn’t regret this.

The thought feels as wispy as smoke, wafting away before I can grasp it fully. The sound of footsteps makes me shift to look over our heads. Malachi stands in the doorway, gloriously naked, watching us with a look that I can only describe as possessive. Like we’re both his and he’s pleased that we’ve finally got out of our own way and closed the circle. Maybe it’s my imagination, but I don’t think so.

Rylan moves back and climbs carefully to his feet, pulling me up with him. It takes a few seconds to get our clothing back in order, but he doesn’t say a word and I’m not about to be the one to break this particular silence.

Malachi nods. “I need to get dressed and then we’ll go. Mina, stay with Wolf. He’ll protect you.” He pulls me into his arms and kisses me. I barely get a chance to sink into it before he’s stepping back. “We’ll have information when we return.”

“Be safe.” I try to smile at him and then look at Rylan. “Both of you.”

They nod, and then they’re gone, disappearing into the growing darkness of the house. I don’t think the sun has quite set yet, but it’s hard to say without windows to look through. I turn to find Wolf lounging in the doorway. He’s pulled on pants, but only barely. They’re not fastened and cling precariously to his narrow hips, as if one wrong move will send them sliding down his legs.

He grins. “’Twas Beauty who tamed the beast.”

“Oh hush.” I eye the blood ward. “Is this going to fry me?”

“Not with an invitation.” He reaches through, his hand an elegant offering. “Come here, love. We have things to discuss.”

I lay my hand in his and let him pull me through the ward. It sizzles a little against my skin in a way that isn’t entirely comfortable, but it doesn’t hurt. I touch my lips. “My father’s ward didn’t feel like that.”

“It was keyed to keep Malachi in, not other people out.” He shrugs and pulls me to the couch. “Now, be a good girl and keep quiet while the adults are talking.”

I frown. I don’t know what’s going on, but it can’t be positive. I dig in my heels, for all the good it does me. He just drags me the rest of the way and half-tosses me onto the couch. “What’s going on?”

“We’re going to have somefun.” Wolf throws himself down next to me and pulls me against his body. “You wanted to meet a demon, yes?”

Oh no.

I start to sit up, but he catches my shoulder and tucks me back against him. “Wolf, you can’t. Not without Malachi.”

“Malachi might pass for the leader of our little group, but he won’t let you make a deal, no matter what’s offered.” His eerie blue eyes watch me closely. “Do you deny it?”

I open my mouth to do just that, but I can’t. Not without lying. “He’s overprotective.”


“I thought you said it’d be a couple days before we are able to make contact.”

“I lied.” He dips a finger beneath the strap of my sundress, tracing a line down to my breast. He circles my nipple. “It’s a shame we don’t have time. Soon.”


The air changes in the room. I don’t know how to explain it. It doesn’t go cold, or hot, or anything like that. There’s no buzz of electricity like when Wolf brought me through the barrier. It’s more like an…aura of danger. Every prey instinct I have demands I go still and silent and hope the predator that just entered the room moves on without noticing me.