“We are.” Malachi’s words sound like a threat.

Rylan nods. “It was a far-fetched option at best. The cost is too high.”

“You know how I feel, love. The only way I’d agree is if Azazel took you for himself, and he won’t. He’s focused on another.”

I sigh and slump back against the couch. “Then I guess that option’s out.” Which leaves only the path we’re on. Get pregnant. Become heir. Commit patricide. “What did you two find out from my father’s hunters?”

“He knows.” Malachi says the words so simply, it takes several beats before they sink in.

I push to my feet, earlier exhaustion forgotten.He knows. “What does he know?”

“That you’re enough seraphim to have their power and all that that entails. He suspects you bonded with at least me, if not the others, but he doesn’t have a way to confirm it.”

This is bad. Really, really bad. “How? How could he possibly know that much?”

“Your magic left a signature of sorts when the blood ward broke.” Wolf rubs his temples. “It’s not something I considered, but even if I had, it couldn’t be helped. Your father isn’t old enough to know what you are, but apparently my cousin decided to embrace his ambition further and handed over the information for a hefty sum.”

Rylan crosses his ankle over his knee. Of all of us, he looks most normal. Which isn’t to say he’s relaxed; I don’t think I’ve ever seen Rylan relaxed, even if he’s wearing something casual right now. He leans back. “Ultimately, this changes nothing. If he wasn’t aware of Mina’s bloodline before, he would have become aware once he caught her again. The plan remains the same.”

“Does this mean you’re going to actually participate?” Wolf drawls. He snaps his suspenders in a steady rhythm, his eyes cold. “Or will you continue to play the martyr and whine about how you didn’t want this?”

“None of us wanted this,” I say.

They ignore me.

Rylan narrows his eyes. “Forgive me if I wasn’t thrilled with how things played out.”

“No, I don’t think I will. Forgive you, that is.”

I glance at Malachi, silently imploring him to step in, but he’s watching the other men intensely. Surely he has some thoughts about this? I don’t care if Rylan and I have fucked three times in the last two days. I’m not going to compel him to participate in this race to conception. The bond is bad enough; having a child together when he’s not fully onboard is a particularly nightmarish scenario.

“Don’t stop there, Wolf. For once in your life, speak clearly.”

Wolf pushes slowly to his feet. His eyes flash crimson. “You’re a fucking coward, Rylan. You were full of plans and strategies to free Malachi from his prison, but the moment we found a way through—a way thatyousuggested and participated in—you start crying about regrets. Why are you willing to keep playing the victim and holding yourself at a distance from what you truly want? We areright here.”

Rylan’s eyes have gone pure silver. “Do tell me what I want, since you seem to know.”

“Of course I know. You want what we all want.” He flings a hand in Malachi’s direction. “But that’s not the problem, is it? You’ve pined for Malachi since your falling out. You were prepared to do what it took to reclaim that relationship. It’sMinayou didn’t bargain on.”

“I do believe I’ve said that myself.” For all his icy tone, he looks ready to fly across the room and rip into Wolf with his bare hands.

“Poor Rylan, knocked on his ass by a pretty little seraph and her magic pussy.” Wolf snarls. “It must be fucking terrible to love the chains she’s unwittingly wrapped around you. That’s the real problem isn’t it? It’s not that you hate the bond. You fuckingloveit.”

Rylan shoves to his feet, but he only gets one step before Malachi’s there. The bigger man catches his shoulders. “That’s enough.”

I tense, expecting a confrontation. Rylan looks ready to commit murder, and from the way Wolf is leaning forward, he’s willing to meet Rylan halfway. But Malachi’s presence between them shifts the energy in the room. It’s still dangerous. So fucking dangerous.

But there’s an edge of desire now, where before there was only violence.

“Is it true?” Malachi’s words are so low, they’re almost lost in the crackle of the fire.

Rylan curses. “Yes.”

Malachi drops his hands. “Stop punishing us for what’s going on in your head.”

Just like that, I canfeelRylan’s emotions. The conflicting spiral of need and rage. A hurt that goes so deep, it makes my bones ache. Malachi all but ripped out his still-beating heart when he left Rylan. A loss he’s never gotten over; one he’s neverallowedhimself to get over. He’s nursed that wound like the grave of someone beloved, tending to it every single day for so long it boggles my mind.

No wonder he hates me.