He arrived, ready to play knight in shining armor for the man he loves, only to find Malachi wrapped up in me. Even before Malachi gained his freedom, my presence meant Rylan had to throw away a decade’s worth of plans and rush to the house to ensure he didn’t lose his chance entirely.

I understand all of this in the space of a second, and then the feeling is gone entirely as he gets his shields back under control. My eyes burn and I close them to try to keep the tears inside. Rylan won’t thank me for the intrusion, and if he thinks I pity him, he’ll hate me all the more.

I’m sorry.

Words I can’t say. Not if I want this to have a chance to work.

“I’m sorry.”

For a second, I think I’ve forgotten myself and said those damning words aloud. But no, that’s not my lips forming the syllables, not my deep voice speaking. I open my eyes to find Rylan staring at me. “I’m sorry,” he repeats.

The bond gives a pulse that has me damn near vibrating out of my skin. I scrub at my sternum, but it does nothing to dissipate the sensation. “I understand.”

He turns to Malachi who doesn’t release Rylan’s shoulders. “Things change, Rylan. How I feel about you hasn’t, not in all this time. But it was never going to be just the two of us for eternity. I’m not built like that.”

Rylan shudders out a sigh. “I understand that, now.” He glances at me again. “I suppose it’s not a bad thing to have an abundance of love.”



He’s not in love with me. He barely likes me. I can’t argue something’s changed in the last couple days, but it’s notlove. I would know. Wouldn’t I?

Maybe that’s not what he’s saying. Maybe he just means it’s not outside the realm of possibilities now. Or something.

He gives another of those deep exhales. “I’m done fighting it. I want everything. You. Mina.” He glances at Wolf. “Even this asshole.”

“Be still my heart.”

Malachi is still looking at Rylan. His shield must be firmly in place, because I don’t get so much of an echo of what he’s feeling. His expression gives me even less. “On your knees.”

Rylan doesn’t hesitate. He sinks down to kneel at Malachi’s feet. I stare in shock. Even on the night when we awoke my powers, Rylan was hardly submitting to anyone. It never occurred to me that he would submit to Malachi, that he would look utterly at peace while doing it.

“You know what to do.”

Rylan reaches for the front of Malachi’s pants with shaking hands and undoes them. It’s so silent in the room, I can hear his soft exhale as he takes out the other vampire’s cock. Malachi knocks his hand away and wraps a fist around himself. He guides his blunt head to Rylan’s lips. “No teeth.” He doesn’t appear to need an answer, because he doesn’t stop his forward movement, feeding his cock into Rylan’s mouth.

Heat surges through me at the sight. Malachi can be merciless when he’s so inclined, and how he is with Wolf—and now Rylan—feels very different than how he is with me. He’s crueler, but I know Wolf loves it. Judging from the erection tenting the front of Rylan’s pants, he loves it, too.

“They look good, don’t they?”

I jolt. I was busy watching Malachi fuck Rylan’s mouth, I didn’t even notice Wolf moving to stand behind my chair. He leans over the back of it and rubs his nose against my neck. “They have something special. Always have. Do you find that threatening? You’ll never be able to touch it, seraph bond or no.”

I might laugh if I could draw a full breath. Does he think he’s telling me something I don’t already know? I recognized the bond Malachi has with Rylan the moment the other vampire showed up. Just like I recognized the history he and Wolf share. Because of that, when I answer, I’m able to do it honestly. “No. I don’t find it threatening.”

“What a marvel you are.” He hooks the bottom of my sweater and moves back enough to tug it over my head. “We can’t let them have all the fun, can we?”

“I like to watch.” I bite my bottom lip as he cups my breasts. “Unless you have a better idea.”

“I might.” He dips a hand beneath the band of my leggings and cups my pussy. I keep my gaze on the vampires before us as Wolf slides his fingers through my folds. Malachi has his hands on either side of Rylan’s head and he’s thrusting forward roughly, forcing the other man to take every inch of him. Rylan has his hands on Malachi’s hips, but he seems to be encouraging the violence of the moment. I catch a glimpse of claws, which only further confirms that.

They’re really beautiful together.

“Malachi won’t come in Rylan’s mouth,” Wolf murmurs, the very definition of a devil on my shoulder. He presses the heel of his hand to my clit as he pushes two fingers into me, and then three. “He’s saving that seed all for you. He’ll let Rylan get him close, and then he’s going to come over here and fill you up.” He licks the curve of my ear. “And then Rylan’s going to do the same as soon as Malachi’s finished with you.”

I whimper. “But…”

Whatever I was going to say disappears as Malachi pulls back. He traces Rylan’s lips with his cock, his eyes gone pure black. “You’ve denied me too fucking long, and I’m reclaiming what’s mine.”