This isn’t like the night we awoke my powers. We had an agenda and pleasure was the method to deliver the endgame. That’s not what tonight is about. Tonight, we’re choosing each other.

Malachi closes a hand over Rylan’s shoulder. “There’s no going back after this.”

“There wasn’t going back the moment we chose this method of breaking the blood ward.” Rylan devours me with his eyes. “I’ve adjusted my expectations.”

With anyone else, that would be faint praise, if it was praise at all. The way he says it? It’s as if he leaned down and dragged his tongue up the center of my body. He drifts his fingertips over my stomach, and I’m not surprised to find them tipped with claws yet again. There’s a strange beauty to how seamlessly he shifts between human form and animal. Knowing he could kill me as easily as breathing shouldn’t be sexy, but I’m far beyond worrying about what I find sexy with these three.

In my chest, the bond hums in a way I can only describe as happily. This feels so fucking right, I can barely stand it.

Malachi clasps Rylan’s jaw with his other hand. “No biting Mina.”

“You don’t have to worry. I won’t lose control again.”

He hesitates. “Not tonight. Not when it’s still so new. Next time.”

Rylan finally nods, though he’s still watching me as if he wants to consume me in slow, decadent sips.

Malachi’s thumb traces over Rylan’s bottom lip. “Bite me instead.”

At that, his eyes go a little wide and a little hungry. “Okay.”

Now it’s my turn to clear my throat. “Can we, uh, move this to the floor or a couch or something? This chair restricts movement.”

“That’s the idea, little dhampir.” Malachi runs his hand down Rylan’s chest to wrap his fist around the other vampire’s cock. I bite my bottom lip. Gods, that’s hot.

It only gets hotter when Malachi drags Rylan’s cock through my folds. Up and down. Up and down. Teasing both of us while he has total control. I try to surge up, but Wolf shifts both my wrists to one hand and coasts his other down my body to press against my stomach. Pinning me further.


“Not yet,” Malachi murmurs. “Rylan made us wait for an entire month. A few more minutes won’t kill either of you.”

“It might.” I whimper as he circles Rylan’s cock over my clit. Every muscle in Rylan’s lean body appears carved from stone. He’s gripping the armrests of the chair like he might rip them off, but he makes no move to stop Malachi’s torment.

“It won’t.” Wolf pinches my nipple, making me gasp. “You should pierce these. Imagine how much fun we’d have with them. Maybe even get a little chain between the two that I could tug when you’re riding my cock.”

There isn’t enough air in the room. I squirm, and Malachi responds by tapping Rylan’s cock against my clit. Wolf watches avidly even as he moves to my other breast and works that nipple until it’s a hard peak. “Yeah, I think I’d like that a lot.”

Body jewelry isn’t something I’ve thought overmuch about, but I like the picture he paints. I like it a lot. I drag in a breath, trying to put my thoughts in order. “Wouldn’t I heal too fast for them?”

“Pure silver won’t let you heal completely.” He bites his bottom lip, a tiny stream of blood descending from the puncture. “It would always hurt a little, for as long as you have them.”

“Oh.” The word comes out as a squeak.

“We’ll talk about it later.” Malachi notches Rylan’s cock at my entrance. “Don’t move.”

All three of us hold perfectly still as he shifts away and picks up the lube he retrieved earlier. He returns to press against Rylan’s back. “I enter you, you enter her.”

“Okay.” Rylan’s voice has gone low and gained a rumble. His cock twitches against me, and I can’t be sure, but I could swear it gets even bigger.

But Malachi doesn’t move yet. He dips down and presses an open-mouth kiss to Rylan’s throat. The arms of the chair creak as Rylan fights to hold still, to submit. His silver eyes are practically creating their own light source now. They only get brighter when Malachi bites him. It’s not a gentle one. With me, he’s usually careful not to tear the skin any more than necessary, to keep the damage to a minimum.

He’s not being careful with Rylan.

The wound is ragged and large, and blood spurts onto my mostly naked body for several seconds before Rylan’s healing takes over and the flow slows. Malachi drags his tongue through the blood on Rylan’s neck. “Now.”

His hands disappear behind Rylan, and I don’t need to see details to know he’s spreading lube over his length and the other vampire’s ass. Rylan moans a little and pushes the head of his cock into me. Knowing that he’s mirroring the advance of Malachi’s cock into his ass…

“Fuck,” I whisper.