“That’s the idea, love.”

Another inch. Another mixed moan from the three of us. For his part, Wolf seems content to draw patterns in the blood spatter on my chest and stomach, but that won’t last. He’s not one to sit idly by when there’s pleasure on the table.

The sound of wood breaking and then the arms supporting my legs are gone, torn apart by Rylan’s attempt to maintain control. Wolf lets loose his wild laugh. “In that case…” Another splintering sound and suddenly the back of the chair is gone, too. He catches me before I fall, using his body to support me. “Hand me the lube, Malachi.”

For a moment, I think Malachi might argue, but he hands the bottle over. It takes a little adjustment to get the broken remains of the chair out of the way and move to the spot before the fireplace, but we end up in nearly the same position. Wolf wastes no time working his cock into my ass from below me while Rylan and Malachi kneel between my spread legs. Even though the men like to come in my pussy, Wolf loves to fuck my ass. We’ve done it more than enough times that I’m making impatient sounds as he slides deeper.

More, more, more. I need more.

Once he’s seated his full length inside me, he kisses my neck. Malachi guides Rylan’s cock back to my pussy.

He was big before. Even without his Bloodline power coming into play, Rylan is large. Having Wolf’s cock in my ass as Rylan works into my pussy? He’s almost too big. He has to fight for every inch, and his low moans tell me Malachi is doing the same into his ass. Eventually, a small eternity later, he’s seated fully within me.

I can’t catch my breath. The first initial push was a pleasant warmth, but now I feel like my skin is going to burn right off my body. The sensation only gets stronger when Malachi starts to move. We’re all sealed so tightly together that, as he braces a hand on Rylan’s shoulder and starts to fuck him in slow deep thrusts, the other three of us rock together with each stroke. I’m pinned between Rylan and Wolf’s bigger bodies, spread wide open by their cocks inside me, and none of us can do anything but take what Malachi gives.

The bond flares inside me. Except it’s not a flare, not really. What happened that first night together was a flare, overwhelming and near-violent. This feels more like a flower unfurling. “More,” I gasp.

Malachi gives us more. He plants his fists on either side of our hips and starts fucking Rylan’s ass. Starts fucking all three of us. That’s what it feels like. I can’t quite explain it, and pleasure makes it even harder to process what I’m feeling, but…

I can feeleverything.

Malachi’s fierce possessiveness, his determination to claim all of us as his in a way that can’t be broken.

Rylan’s relief, the way this moment feels like all the broken pieces have clicked together in his chest, turning into something whole.

Wolf’s joy at finding what feels like home, his anticipation over the chaos and bloodshed to come.

I can feel all of it.

I cling to Rylan—or maybe it’s Malachi—as I shatter into a million pieces. This isn’t like any orgasm I’ve had before. It goes on and on, pleasure so acute, it’s agony. I can’t stop coming, am barely aware of the men losing control in and around me. Something hot and wet hits my neck. Wolf, biting Rylan. Hot pinpricks sear my hips. Rylan’s claws. A roar fills the room that sounds like the sound a forest fire makes as it rampages. Malachi.

Higher and higher, more and more. I can do nothing but ride the wave, a piece of flotsam tossed about by a hurricane. There is freedom in submission, and I find it in this moment. My last shred of strength dissipates. I go limp, a marionette with its strings cut.

Someone curses, and everything goes black.


Iwake up in a pile of bodies and covered in blood. For one heart-stopping moment, I think I’ve killed them, but Malachi groans and shifts, and then Wolf makes a sound that might be his mad laugh if every one of his vocal chords had been shredded beyond repair. Rylan’s half on top of me, and I can feel him breathing.


I exhale slowly. I feel like I’ve been hit by a truck, and then they backed over me a few times for good measure. Everything hurts. Not just muscles and bone, but down to a cellular level. My throat feels like someone took sandpaper to it while I wasn’t paying attention. It takes me three tries to speak. “What the hell was that?”

“Fucking seraph bonds,” Rylan murmurs against my throat. I can’t tell if he’s angry or just exhausted. “Apparently there’s more to this bag of tricks than I realized.”

I blink at the ceiling, waiting for his words to make sense. They don’t. “Please explain,” I manage.


As much as I want to argue, he’s right. I don’t have the strength to form more than a few words at a time. They start to shift, and every one of them is moving like they feel as terrible as I do. Whatwasthat?

Rylan rolls off me, and I try to sit up. I get as far as planting my hands on the floor and the sight that greets me has me staring blankly. Surely those aren’t my hands? Except they can’t be Rylan’s because I can seehishands where he lays next to me. “Um.”

“Um?” This from Wolf. He’s thrown his arm over his eyes as if even the light of the fireplace is too bright for him.

I flex my hands. They move. Which means they’re mine, after all. I swallow hard. “I have claws.”
