“I’m a badass bitch.”

I rounded the corner to find Bantia there, smiling. “Indeed you are.” She held a hand to her chest and gave me a little bow. “So, you are taking on one of the cruisers with Dea tomorrow.”

“I am.”

“Last one to blow up their cruiser has to buy the victory drinks.”


I held out my hand, and she took it, grinned when I squeezed her hand and moved our clasped palms up and down to seal the agreement.

“I have to warn you, I’m not cheap. I like the good stuff from the Andromeda system.”

“I’m not worried. You’ll be buying.”

We both smiled and released our hold. I walked past her and continued on so I could explore the rest of the ship. If this was my last night in outer space, I wanted to see more of it than a bedroom.


General Romulus was waitingfor me when I knocked on the door to his private quarters.

“I wondered when you’d show up.”

“You have to send me on that mission. I’ll take Dea’s place. I can’t do this again. If you won’t stop Lily, I have to go with her.”

The general looked me over, head to toe, but did not invite me in. “And why would I allow that? Dea is an exceptionally skilled Titan.”

“So am I.”

“And Lily?”

“You know she’s incredible.”

“And is that why you implied otherwise at the mission briefing?”

“I didn’t—”

He raised a brow. “Perhaps that is why your pair-bonded female has formally requested your bond be severed and erased from the Hall of Records? Has, in fact, told me of her intention to resign and return to Earth? Because you spoke so highly of her to your peers?”

“What?” Lily gone? That was not acceptable. She was mine. Mine to love. Protect. Cherish.

“Indeed. I thought, perhaps, she had decided to keep that information to herself. That would appear to be a trend in your relationship.”

“Fuck.” His words were daggers to my gut. Lily had said the same thing. That I’d embarrassed her, humiliated her, lied to her. Kept secrets. I needed to keep her safe. That was all. But I’d fucked things up. Badly. I’d just have to talk sense to her, then not let her out of bed until she promised to listen. “Where is she staying tonight? I need to see her.”

“I don’t believe that particular activity will be on your schedule tonight.”

“Where is she?”

He shrugged and I wanted to punch him. Again. As I had the day my brother died. Like that day, striking at the general would not help me protect Lily.

Tycho had been a grown man. He’d made his choices. Lily made hers. I had to respect that. I couldn’t make the same mistake again, or I’d lose her, too. My pair bond. She was everything now. Everything that mattered.

“Please, General. Where is she? I totally fucked this up.”

He studied me long and hard. Although he was only a few years older, the burden of his command made him feel more like a father figure than his age probably deserved. Still, the weight of his judgment made my fists clench at my sides.

“Ask Dea. If she will agree to allow you to take her place, I will approve it. On one condition.”


“You bring Lily back alive.”