Page 26 of Mated To The Vikens

Head thrown back, I cried out, terrified of the tidal wave of sensation flooding me. I tried to control it, to hold back, but Rolf’s hand landed in my hair and he angled my head up, forcing me to look into his eyes.

“Gunnar told you to come, mate.”

“It’s too much.”

Rolf held my gaze as his hand landed in a firm strike on my ass. I jolted forward, away from the pain, but the action pushed my clit onto Erik’s hand, and had my inner muscles clamping down ever harder on Gunnar’s cock and finger.

Behind me, Gunnar groaned. “Spank her again, Rolf. She loves it. Her pussy is like a clamp around my cock.”

“Too much!” I cried, frustrated and needy. Tears streamed down my face.

Gunnar spanked me then, the loud crack of it loud. I tensed, then shuddered as I clenched down on his cock and finger. The sharp burn of it had me hissing, but it slowly morphed into heat. Heat that overtook me.

“Give him everything, love,” Rolf insisted.

I didn’t know what he meant, but then, with instant clarity, I did. I stopped moving, let go of the blanket and exhaled. I relaxed every tense muscle and focused on the feel of Gunnar’s cock, of his finger. The first flutter of an orgasm rose within me, but the sharp sting of Gunnar’s hand on my ass stopped my release and I cried out, this time in protest.

“Yes, that’s it. You’ll take what we give you. And what is that?” Rolf asked.


“Yes, but when?”

“When you say.”

The need coalesced into a brilliant white ball, brighter and brighter as Gunnar fucked me, giving me what I needed. Erik’s hand on my clit was an instrument of sensual torture as be stroked me to the edge of release, then stopped. Over and over again.

Gunnar’s cock swelled inside me, and I felt a second finger sliding into my bottom, heard his growl as he pressed even deeper. Every bit of my mind was focused on my body, on sensation.

I couldn’t breathe, couldn’t see, couldn’t feel anything but them, the sounds they made, the way they touched me.

“Now, Sophia,” Gunnar ordered.

At his command, I came, the ball bursting open, blinding me to anything but sheer bliss. Gunnar’s fingers gripped my hips again as he slammed into me and gave me everything. His seed filled me, coated me, marked me permanently and irrevocably as his. I milked his cock and clenched his finger, pulling both into me, wanting to keep them there, to keep the feelings going forever.

I was surrounded by my mates, protected, touched.

Yes, this was what it felt like finally to belong to someone, to give myself completely. Those were my last thoughts when my whole world went dark.

Chapter Seven


“The three of you are very good at distraction,” I said, settling my head back against Rolf’s chest. We were in the bath, although it was large enough to be like a small pool. The water came up to my neck where I sat in front of my mate, the scented steam swirled and spiraled off the surface. After the sex…God, was that the word for what the four of us had done? The fucking? The…orgy? Well, after all the orgasms they gave me, I’d pretty much blacked out and slept through the night, waking up tucked against Rolf’s side. Erik and Gunnar weren’t in bed and he’d all but dragged me right to the bath to help ease all my aches.

Yes, taking three men in a row had made me a tad bit sore. And sensitive. And needy all over again.

Rolf shifted against my back, lifting a leg so I was nestled between his thighs. I could feel his hard cock at my back, but now was not the time even to think of it. I wanted answers, not hot sex. Well, I did want hot sex, but it would have to wait. I could at least control myself for ten minutes in the bath, couldn’t I?

The three of them had turned me into a ménage-loving nympho who’d never had bath sex before. I could just lift up and lower myself down and fuck him. What was it called, reverse cowgirl or something?

I realized that Rolf hadn’t said anything.

Moving away from him, I spun around, faced him. I’d made little waves that sloshed over the side in my haste. Narrowing my eyes, I stared at the gentlest of the trio. His sly grin said it all. “It’s that damn seed power, isn’t it??


He shrugged one broad shoulder. “I can’t help that I desire you, that my pre-cum seeps from my cock nonstop with you around.”