Page 27 of Mated To The Vikens

I pursed my lips, for I couldn’t be angry. Not when just his cock rubbing against my bottom made me feel so good. Having all three of them come deep inside me had ensured I would always be eager for them. I should hate the idea, but I couldn’t. I wasn’t a drugged sex slave. I was their match, their mate and I wanted them. It. Sex.


“Distraction,” I repeated. “Let’s talk bad guys.”

“Bad guys?”

I leaned back against the opposite end of the tub, settled in. I wanted answers and I knew if I got out, I wouldn’t get them. I’d get something else entirely.

“The VSS.”

All playfulness slipped from his face.

“I want to know about them.”

Rolf sighed, the laughter fading from his eyes, the playfulness gone. He didn’t look sad, exactly. More resigned.

“They are the Viken Sector Separatist movement. They are led by a coalition of very powerful families, families that ruled Viken’s sectors as three separate countries before the Hive wars reached us.”

I nodded. “Just like Earth. We still have a bunch of different governments.”

“Exactly. We had three, and they ruled for centuries. But when the Hive wars reached us, they were forced to unite under the strongest ruler.”

“Lev, Drogan and Tor? The three Kings?”

“No, love. Their great grandfather. He was the first high King of Viken. But the sector leaders did not want to give up power. They’ve never accepted the unification.”

I rolled my eyes. “Powerful people never want to give up their position. It’s the same on Earth. I know all about that.” I rubbed some of the sweet-scented soap over my arms and shoulders, thinking. “So, they started a secret organization to overthrow the three Kings?”

“No.” Rolf’s eyes tracked the movements of my hands as I rubbed soap over my chest and neck, then lower, onto my breasts just beneath the water. He was so focused on my hands he missed my naughty-girl grin entirely. Men. “The VSS formed decades ago. Their efforts culminated in the death of the three Kings’ parents when they were infants.”

What a political mess. “So, the three Kings were split up when they were babies and sent to each of the sectors to grow up.”

“Yes.” His gaze lifted to my lips, so I licked them, enjoying the darkening of his pupils and the stutter in his speech. “The King and Queen were dead. I was just a boy, not much older than the three Kings. They were sent to grow up with guardians in each of the sectors, to learn their ways and customs, to be an accepted part of the community, a champion of their people.”

I lowered my head into the water and rinsed my hair. Rising, I lifted my head and studied the various bottles that lined the tub. Which one was the shampoo? They should have labels or something. “And did it work?” I picked up a cream-colored glass bottle, removed the stopper and lifted it to my nose.

Eww. No. That was totally man scent.

I scrunched my nose and placed it back on the ledge. A red bottle. Looked promising. I wrapped my fingers around it, but Rolf’s hand closed around mine.

“What are you looking for, mate?”

“Shampoo.” I lifted the stopper to my nose. Interesting. More like sandalwood. I wanted something sweet.

Rolf pulled me closer and reached for a white bottle the looked like smoked glass. “Allow me.”

He poured a bit of pale green liquid into his palm and I was worried I would smell like seaweed or pine trees, but the scent was light and sweet, like a glass of summer lemonade with extra sugar.

With a sigh, I relaxed into his care and moaned as he massaged my scalp with tender fingers.

I’d never had a man wash my hair. Talk about addictive. “God, you can do that every day.”

“It will be my pleasure, Sophia.” His voice was deep, rich, and all traces of jesting were gone.

Distraction. Distraction. Distraction.

What the hell had we been talking about?