Page 25 of Fist

“What does your dress look like?” Cora wants to know. “Can I see it before the ceremony?”

“Of course,” I reply. “As a matter of fact, you can come on up when you’re done eating. Maybe you can share the secret of how you get your skin to look so flawless.”

Cora laughs. “I’ll share everything I know, but I won’t ever have the complexion you have, all wild roses and cream. I can help you with your hair if you’d like.”

“I’d like that very much, thanks. Trixie and I are going to be very busy soon.”

“Damn right we are,” Trixie says as she strolls into the kitchen. “I’m going to have me some eggs and coffee while you, Miss Bride, go up to shower. Then I’ll shower, and the fun can begin.”

I toast her with my coffee cup, drain it, and carry my dishes to the sink before hurrying up the stairs to the bathroom. I step under the hot spray and lather my hair. As I rinse it, I watch the suds swirl down the drain. Then I wash my body, step out, and towel myself dry. I slip my robe back on so I can moisturize my face, lotion my body, and blow dry my hair.

By the time that’s done, Trixie’s in the shower, and Cora’s bustling around my room, gathering things she’ll need. My dress is hanging in front of a window, and the sunlight catches the lace, causing a halo around it.

“It’s beautiful,” Cora tells me with a smile. “And you’re going to look beautiful in it. Hair or makeup first?”

“Makeup,” I decide. “You can help Trixie with her hair while I’m doing my makeup if you don’t mind. Then she can do her makeup while you fix my hair.”

“Sounds like a good plan,” Trixie agrees as she comes into my room carrying her dress and her makeup case. Cora nods, and they move to one side of the room while I sit down at the vanity and begin preparing for the biggest moment of my life.

I apply a long-wear, waterproof foundation, and then I reach for a cream blush and add just a touch. I don’t need much, my cheeks are already flushed with anticipation. Then I move on to my eyes, lining them with a gray liner and applying a rose shadow, then blending that in with a darker burgundy and dark gray, creating a smoked-out look. I apply a thin coat of mascara and then go over and over to make my eyelashes look super thick. Tilting my head one way and then the other, I look at all angles.

“Is this right? Is this wedding-worthy?” I ask out loud, and both Trixie and Cora assure me that it is perfect. Nodding in agreement, I fish around for my lipstick and slick the deep rose color onto my lips, following with a gloss.

“Gorgeous,” Trixie says. I look over at her and see that she has her hair swept up into an elegant chignon with tendrils framing her face.

“I love that hairstyle on you,” I comment. “It’s sexy and elegant.”

She preens a bit. “Thanks. And thank you, Cora, for doing such a good job.”

Cora just smiles and beckons me over. “Your turn, Mindi.”

I settle in the seat and watch as Cora begins to work her magic. With a curling iron, she coaxes my tresses into long sausage curls. It only takes twenty minutes or so before she’s done. She sprays them lightly, then uses a wide-tooth comb to lightly loosen them. The effect is thick, luscious curls that spill down my back to my waist.

She sprays my hair again, then picks up my tiara. Placing it carefully amid my curls, she pins it in so that it will stay in place. “What do you think?”

“I feel so pretty already,” I whisper. I squeeze her hand. “Thank you, Cora.”

She squeezes back. “It’s my pleasure. Now, let’s get you both dressed. Trixie, you first.”

Trixie steps into her dress, tugging it into place and then sits to put her shoes on. She slips earrings into her lobes, and they catch the light. Diamonds wink in her ears while a long pink sapphire dangles to the middle of her neck. She slides a matching diamond and pink sapphire bracelet onto her right wrist and deems herself ready.

“Oh, Trixie,” I murmur. “You look beautiful!”

She twirls a bit and grins. “I feel beautiful. But we’re down to crunch time, girl. Let’s get you dressed.”

They bring my dress over to me, and I let the robe fall to the floor. I’m already wearing the corset to nip in my waist and push my boobs up, giving me a true hourglass figure. I step into the dress and pull it up my body. Trixie finds the side zipper and tugs it up.

The fit is amazing. It hugs my body in all the right places, flaring out just slightly at the hips and then dropping to just above the floor. Cora kneels and helps me slide my feet into my shoes, then fastens my diamond drop necklace for me.

Trixie puts the matching earrings into my lobes, and then they step back to admire their work. Both of them have tears in their eyes and soft smiles on their faces.

“Mindi,” Trixie whispers. “Look at yourself.”

I turn and see my reflection in the full-length mirror. My lips part in surprise. Looking back at me is an elegant, beautiful woman with hope and happiness shining in her eyes. Trixie hands me my bouquet, a small arrangement with white roses, hibiscus, baby’s breath, and delicate ferns. That does it. Now I tear up.

“No, you don’t!” Cora laughs a husky sound. “I know we used waterproof and smudge-proof everything, but don’t you dare cry and potentially ruin all of our work.”

Trixie, holding her own bouquet—a smaller replica of mine—comes to stand beside me. “You ready for this, girl?”