Page 26 of Fist

My smile blooms as the clock begins to chime eleven. “More than.”

Just then, there’s a knock on my door. Cora opens it to admit Boone. He looks handsome in his basic black tux, and his eyes soften when he looks at me. Trixie and Cora ease out of the door, leaving me alone with Fist’s father.

“You look amazing,” he says quietly. “Just how a bride should look.”

“Thank you,” I reply, then bite my bottom lip. “You’re really all right with this?” I question. “With me marrying Fist?”

“Sweetheart, I wouldn’t have it any other way,” he tells me, drawing me closer. “What you and my son share is something special, something magical. When you find that, you should hold onto it no matter what it takes. I’m proud to be able to call you my daughter, Mindi.”

My eyes fill again. “You’ll have me sobbing in a minute,” I tell him with a chuckle, fanning my face. “You’re a good man, Boone, and you’ve raised a good man. I’m proud to be able to call you my father. And I want to thank you again for walking me down the aisle.”

“It’s a proud moment for me,” he replies, taking my arm and leading me to the door. “I’ll admit to almost crying when you asked me to do the honors. I’m hoping I don’t embarrass myself by blubbering like a fool during the ceremony.”

I give him a bright smile and gently kiss his cheek. “Fist gets his heart from you,” I tell him quietly as we begin the slow descent down the stairs. “I consider myself the honored one.”

Then I catch a glimpse of the great room, with everyone gathered expectantly. The entire club is here, including prospects. The candles are gleaming, highlighting the fragrant beauty of the flowers and the sheer tulle. Trixie is standing at the fireplace already, her bouquet in her hands and a smile on her face.

I see Fist, and my heart squeezes almost painfully. He’s handsome in a tux that matches his father’s. I had told them simple black tuxes would be the perfect complement to my dress and everything else, and all the men took me at my word. Cracker, Fist’s brother and best man, was dressed in one too.

The wedding march begins, and Boone leads me down the aisle. Any nerves I may have had drain away when I see Fist grinning at me. Love wells up inside of me, and I smile back as I reach him. I hand my bouquet to Trixie, and Boone places my hand into Fist’s.

“Take care of her, son,” he tells Fist quietly. “And be happy.” Boone brushes my cheek, then steps back, taking his seat in the front row, right beside Cora.

Steel’s voice rings out, clear and rich and full of authority. “We are gathered here today to join this man and this woman in holy matrimony.”

The ceremony will be forever burned into my memory. Exchanging our vows, exchanging our rings, the quick dip and hot kiss Fist gives me when Steel pronounces us husband and wife.

Everyone erupts into cheers as we all but dance back down the aisle. Within an hour, while the wedding party is taking photographs, people have cleared the great room of the chairs and tulle, opening the place up for the reception. The double French doors are opened, and the buffet is set into place. Someone gets the music going, the champagne starts flowing, and soon we’re all partying like rock stars.

Hours later, there’s no sign of slowing down. If anything, the party has gotten wilder. We’re all half-drunk, and everyone’s happy. It’s almost time for Fist and I to make our grand escape. We’ve reserved the little tower bedroom as the honeymoon suite, and it’s where we’ll spend our first night as man and wife.

I toss my bouquet, and Cora catches it with a smile. People cheer as she waves it like a trophy, then moves to the side. Cracker and Bow bring a chair to the middle of the floor for me to sit in. Once my butt is in the seat, Fist drops to his knees and lifts my dress just enough so that his upper body and arms go underneath.

“Teeth only,” Cracker reminds him with a grin.

Fist’s voice is muffled when he replies, “I know, bro. I’m using my hands on her knees to keep my balance.” The room rocks with laughter as Fist proceeds to snag my garter with his teeth and tug it down.

It slides easily and Fist dances the fingers of one hand up my thigh to brush against my center. I suck in a breath and barely hold back a whimper as he ducks back into view, the garter clamped victoriously between his teeth.

“Well done!” Boone slaps Fist on the back and helps me up. “Now, it’s time for the newlyweds to go find some connubial bliss. The rest of us can get back to partying!”

Wild cheers erupt as Fist catches my hand, and we race up two flights of stairs. He stops me at the door, opens it up, then sweeps me into his arms.

“It’s tradition to carry the bride across the threshold,” he murmurs as he steps into the room. His lips brush mine once before he sets me on my feet. I glance around and clap at what I see.

The huge bed is turned down with inviting sheets and plump pillows. An ice bucket of champagne is on a small table, along with two flutes and a plate of chocolate-covered strawberries. Flowers and candles are scattered everywhere here, too, giving the room a soft, fragrant glow.

“It’s beautiful,” I whisper.

“Yes, you are,” Fist says.

I smile at him. “Do you know how sexy you look in that tux? I think I’ll scream if you don’t put your hands on me.”

His smile is fast and sly. “Is that right?”

“Yeah.” I leap into his arms, and he catches me, holding me underneath my ass. “I’d rather scream with them on me.”

With that, Fist sits me down. “Woman,” he tells me, “you’d better get out of that dress unless you want me to rip it.” He begins stripping out of his own clothes. I follow suit, and then we’re standing naked, eying each other with growing desire.