Page 8 of Fist

She nods. “It’s only a couple of suitcases and a few boxes. You know I don’t have a lot.”

“There’s nothing wrong with that,” I tell her. “I’ll grab it all and load it in the car if you want to get settled into the driver’s seat. We have a few hours’ driving time, and with the way your car looks, it may take longer than usual. When’s the last time you had this thing serviced?”

It’s old and rusty and wheezes like an asthmatic on damp mornings.

Mindi shrugs. “I don’t know, honestly. It’s been a while.”

“Well, we’ll get Cracker to look at it when we get home. He likes to tinker with motors and shit.”

Before long, we’re cruising down the highway. An hour passes by, then two. I’m surprised when Mindi’s car holds up and we make it back to the club in good time. I hop off of the bike as she climbs out of the car and give her a quick kiss.

“We’ll grab the bags in a bit,” I tell her. “Let’s go in and tell everyone hi.”

She nods and rubs at her lower back. I frown.

“You all right, sweetness?”

“Yeah, just a backache. Being folded up in the car always does this to me.”

“Poor baby. I’ll rub it for you later. You ready for this?”

She takes a bracing breath and slowly lets it out. “Yeah. Yeah, I’m ready.”

I grab her hand and tug her inside with me. People stop what they’re doing to stare, and my shoulders tense when I see the clubwhores. Misty included, shoot nasty looks our way.

“Mindi!” Dad exclaims, walking up and pulling her into his arms for a big hug. She hugs him back, and I relax a little. One hurdle down.

Mindi exchanges hellos with a few others as we walk deeper into the room. Then she stops and returns Misty’s stare with a nasty glare of her own. “Did you fuck that bitch while we were apart?” she demands.

“No. I did not,” I reply honestly.

Mindi shifts and looks me right in the eyes. “Good. If you ever touch her again, I’ll cut your balls off and let you slowly bleed out. And when I say slowly, I meanslowly.”

Glacier hears her and lets out a deep belly laugh, but I don’t even crack a smile. There’s a fierce glint in her pale green eyes that lets me know she’s deadly serious.

“Why don’t you go get some rest, sweetness?” I ask her. “I’ll bring in your bags while you nap. I know your back is hurting.”

Glacier raises his eyebrows and snickers. I shoot him a smug, shit eating smirk. Yeah, I tell him with my facial expression, I fucking blew her back out. I know how to treat my woman.

Mindi nods and smiles. “That sounds good, Fist. Thank you. I’ll see you all later.” She disappears into my room, and I turn to face everyone else.

Glacier is the first one who steps up and slaps my back. “Glad you got your woman back,” he tells me. My father’s the next one to stand next to me.

“Good job, son,” he tells me quietly. “Now go get her bags unloaded. We’re going to have church in an hour.”

I do as he says, placing Mindi’s things in the corner of my room to deal with later. She’s sleeping on top of the bed, a light blanket pulled over her, her hair spread out on my pillow. Unable to help myself, I brush my lips over hers. She murmurs and turns to her side with a little sigh.

I chuckle lightly and step into the bathroom for a quick shower to get the road dust off me. I jerk on clean clothes and make it to the meeting room with five minutes to spare. All the brothers are gathered around waiting, and finally Prez calls the church to order.

We go through the normal monthly reports and questions, delegating new jobs as needed, and approve a couple of men wanting to become prospects. Then Prez leans back in his chair and asks, “Before we dismiss, does anyone have any issues they need to discuss?”

I stand. “Permission to speak, Prez.”

He inclines his head. “Permission granted.”

“You’ve all met Mindi.” I pause while everyone nods. “Well, I need to make something right with her. When I met her, she was on the run from a fucker who used his fists on her. He found her one night and would’ve hurt her bad if I hadn’t been there to stop him. I beat the hell out of him then but let him go because of who he was.”

“Who was he?” Prez wondered.