Page 9 of Fist

“Tyler from Salt Lake City,” I reply grimly. “One of our dealers. I fucked up then by not killing the bastard. Now I want his blood. I want to make it right for Mindi.”

There’s a few seconds of humming silence before Prez speaks. “I’ll allow it. But I don’t want you to go alone. Pick two men to go with you, and get it done. Do we have any volunteers?”

Glacier stands at once. “Me. I’ll go along. I deal directly with Tyler most of the time anyway. He won’t think anything of it if I show up. Once he’s secure, we’ll bring you in.”

I flick my eyes at him. “Thank you.”

He nods. “It’s a sorry fucker who puts his hands on a woman that way. And I can’t see Mindi doing anything to deserve a beating.”

He offers me his fist, and I bump it with mine. That’s when my dad speaks up again.

“I’ll go along and be the second man with you, Fist.”

My brows shoot up in surprise. “Really?”

“Really,” he replies dryly. “I’m not too good to get my hands dirty.”

A grin splits my face. “Never thought you were, Prez.”

He gives me a wry look before getting back to church. “Is this decision accepted by the club?”

A round of table pounding indicates that yes, the entire club agrees.

“Good. Is there any other business to discuss?”

We all answer in unison, “No.”

“Very well. Church is dismissed. Fist, I need to see you alone.”

I follow Dad back into his private office, and he pours each of us three fingers of whiskey. I take the glass he hands me and sit down across from him.

“Tell me about Tyler, about you stopping him from hurting Mindi. Is this why you broke things off with her a few of months ago?”

I take a swallow of alcohol and feel the burn slide down my throat and into my stomach. “She broke things off with me,” I return with a grimace. “And with good reason. I fucked it up with her, Dad, and now I need to fix it.”

“She’s here,” Dad points out. “Seems to me like you’re well on your way to fixing it.”

“Yeah. But I didn’t tell her the extent of what the club does, and when she found out Tyler works for us as a dealer, it hit her hard. She found out right after I pulled the fucker off of her and realized who he was. Once I kicked him out, she and I got into a huge fight,” I explain. “She kicked me out and I didn’t have balls enough to fight for her then.”

“And now?” Dad asks.

“Now, I’ve found my balls,” I say mildly, and Dad erupts into laughter. “Why did you volunteer to come along?” I ask, genuinely curious.

Dad shrugs. “Two reasons. One, I really do like to get my hands dirty from time to time, and let the boys know I’m still firmly in charge. And two, I can tell Mindi means a lot to you, son. The least I can do is help you protect her.”

I toast him with my glass and down the last of my whiskey before getting up to check on Mindi. Finally, I feel like everything that was wrong is starting to right itself.



It’s been almost a week since I’ve been at the club, and it’s been nothing but happiness. I feel more at ease here than I ever thought possible. The only cloud in my life is that clubwhore, Misty, but I’m finding it easier and easier to ignore her.

I’m sitting at the table in the kitchen, writing out a grocery list, when Fist and Bear come into the room. Fists leans down and drops a kiss on the top of my head. “What are you doing, sweetness?”

“Making a list for the grocery store,” I tell him. “I’ve been thinking about making a big Sunday dinner for the entire club.”

“I think that’s a great idea.” He pours out three glasses of tea and passes them around.