My mother tilted her head, an almost pitying expression on her face. “Why not? Thisiswhat we were made for. To bring about the end times. We do it because we must. And if we fail, the men are waiting in the wings for their chance.”

“Minerva, would you quit your monologuing and just deliver that baby already? Some of us have a plague to spread when you fail.” A woman stood in the aisle, her red hair flowing nearly to her waist, tone filled with impatience.

My mother sighed, a long exaggerated huff brimming with impatience. “Would you give a girl a chance to enjoy herself? I’ve only been waiting for this moment for a few decades.” She glanced at the woman, and my gaze followed hers. Two more had joined the first, and I knew, even through my delirium, these were the Four Horsewomen. “Did you take care of her mates?”

“They’re trapped. None of them will escape the dreams we wove for them. And if they do wake, they’ll be insane.” The woman who spoke was dressed in all black but seemed as pretty and innocent as a kindergarten teacher.

“Diabolical. That’s what you are.”

“What can I say? I like meddling with minds.”

One with two tiny horns snorted and crossed her arms. “You say that like you’re the only one with any skill at it. Your targets knew you were interfering. Mine actually believed I was that stupid succubus. He fell for it all, hook, line, and sinker. Didn’t have a clue none of it was real. Silly sausage thinks he cheated on her.” She pouted. “He was so broken.”

I screamed as a deep pressure hit me hard, the urge to bear down and push taking hold.

My mother rolled her eyes, giving me a conspiratorial wink. “Is that my cue, daughter? Are you ready?”

She brushed some hair off my forehead as I panted through the pain.

“Well then, let’s get this over with, shall we? Come on, Sunday. It’s showtime.”



Warm rays of sunshine on my back radiated through me, comforting me in a way the night never could. Eden’s belly laughs filled the air as I caught her feet mid-swing and pulled them up to my chest.

“Again, my wee one?”

Her answer was a series of coos and claps. She was all pink cheeks and smiles, her bright blue eyes the same color as her mother’s. I let her go, watching as the wind whipped her chocolate curls in her face. She looked so much like Sunday that it made my heart ache. I could not possibly love this child more. She was perfection. My absolute joy. My slice of heaven on Earth.

“But it isn’t Earth, Caleb. And she isn’t real.”

Gabriel materialized beside me, and I stiffened but refused to look his way.

“It’s real enough for me.”

“You can’t stay here, and you know it. You feel it.”

His words prompted a slight sting in my chest. I lifted my hand, grimacing as I rubbed away the burn.

“No. It’s not time.”

“Itistime, Caleb. You know what you need to do. You’re the only one who can put a stop to this.”

“No.” Panic had my stomach churning, and I turned my focus back to the swing. But Eden wasn’t there any longer. The playground had vanished along with her, and the bright summer sky turned a menacing burnt orange. Thunder rolled in the distance, a heavy wind whipping through the trees.

“She needs you, Caleb. This is happening whether you’re ready or not. But the outcome is up to you.”

“Angel, I need more than that. I can’t...” Words failed me.

“You must.”

A scream tore through the sky, the burn in my chest growing worse, more painful than any time before.


I shot up in my bed, her name on my lips. The room was cast in darkness, except for the slight glow behind the windows where the sun still clung to the sky. It wasn’t quite dusk, though it was close.

K. Loraine's Novels