“She’s not here.”

Gabriel stood in the corner, leaning against the wall, his eyes luminous even in the shadows.

“Then where the fecking hell is she?”

“You know where she is.”

I glanced back to the far window, staring at the black curtain as if I could see the outline of the steeple beyond it. The angel was right; I could feel the pull of her from here.

“The church.”

He didn’t bother replying.

“Will you go with me?”

His eyes were filled with compassion as he slowly shook his head. “I cannot go where you’re going, Caleb. The battle ahead is yours alone.”

I hadn’t expected him to, but knowing I had to face this alone terrified me.

“Do not be afraid. I will not leave you empty-handed. I came bearing gifts.” He gestured beside me on the bed where an ornate sword now lay. “It always served me well.”

“You’re giving me your sword?”

“Technically it’s not mine. And I’m notgivingit to you. I’m letting you borrow it.”

“It’s not going to burst into flames and turn me to ashes, is it?”

Gabriel raised one brow without saying a word.

So the answer was yes. Lovely.

Another scream ripped through the air, and as I jumped to my feet I realized the one I’d heard in my dream had been real.


“Go, Priest. I’ll collect the others. End this.”

“What do you mean? Are they not with her?”

“They’re trapped in their own minds, just as you were.”

Grabbing the sword, I offered a sharp nod before racing out of the room, the only thoughts in my mind those of my wife.

I ran outside, the sky bleeding from orange to red as I watched. I’d been trapped in my dream world, living a fantasy where I had everything I ever wanted while Sunday was in pain. Laboring alone. I’d promised her she wouldn’t have to do this by herself. That I’d be at her side, seeing her through, doing what I could to keep her safe.

A third agonized scream came from the church, and I nearly fell to my knees as the answering burst of pain shot through my chest. Every window shattered as though an explosion had ripped through the interior. The shards of glass dropped to the ground, raining down like tears.

“Sunday.” My voice betrayed me, coming out a harsh rasp rather than the shout I’d been attempting.

She was dying. I could feel it.

Instead of wasting time bothering with the door, I threw myself through the closest broken window, landing in the sanctuary with the stealth of a cat. The sword Gabriel had given me was heavy in my hand, but the moment I caught sight of the four women standing in front of my altar, I understood why he’d delivered it unto me. He wasn’t going to smite me with the blade. I was going to need it to get throughthem.

The nearly overwhelming scent of Sunday’s blood hit me, and I staggered. She’d lost too much. Way too much.

She was bleeding out.

The time for stealth was over.

K. Loraine's Novels