“Control yourself,” Alek said, his voice low and filled with warning. It sounded like he was speaking from personal experience. “We won’t get anywhere if you pick a fight you can’t win.”

“How do you know I won’t win?”

My father laughed. “I will tear you to shreds so small your family won’t have any way to identify you.”

“Try it.”

“Don’t tempt me.”

“Father,” I interjected. “Please. Explain what you mean about Caleb.”

“This is a conversation best done indoors. Come with me to the library. We can get out of this dank garage and think more clearly once the tale is told.”



This godsdamned library was becoming a permanent fixture in our lives. A place for all manner of bad news to be delivered. Kingston shoved past me as I headed toward the enormous fireplace, my gaze trained on the marred floor where our world had been turned upside down. A shudder ran through me before I could stop it. This was where life as I knew it ceased to exist. Nothing would ever be the same for me again after Natalie’s revelation.

We hadn’t just created a child; we’d all played our part in fucking Ragnarok. Or this realm’s equivalent of it, anyway. How fitting thatI,rather than my brother, would be one of the catalysts for the end times. They didn’t call me the god of mischief for nothing, I supposed.

“Out of my way, Blackthorne. If you’re dropping more bad news in our laps, I’m gonna need to be well lubricated. That means alcohol. Lots of it.” Kingston’s harsh words brought me back from my doom spiral. The berserker was rattling its chains, begging to be unleashed. Only my father’s harsh lessons kept me from slipping into the bloodlust.

Kingston stood in front of Cashel, who blocked the decanters of spirits, wearing a sour expression on his face.

“Sit down, pup. We’re all going to require something to take the edge off after I share with you one of my most well-kept secrets. I may never see the light of day again after this.”

“Aren’t you allergic to sunlight or some shit?” Kingston asked, glancing from him to Thorne. “You said you had magic sun blood. Doesn’t the sun kill him?” Before Thorne could respond, Kingston returned his attention to the Blackthorne king.

“My wife ensures I’m able to walk in the light with her when I wish.”

“I don’t care what you do to your wife. I just need something to fucking drink. So move, or play bartender.”

Cashel’s shoulders stiffened, but to my surprise, he turned and began pouring heavy servings of a smoky amber liquid into crystal glasses. He passed one to each of us, then took a seat in a leather wingback chair. The rest of us joined him on the couches near the fireplace.

“It’s like fucking Christmas Eve and we’re all waiting on your daddy to tell us a story, Thorne.”

“One more comment like that, and I’ll be removing your jaw and shoving it up your arse, wolf. I’ve had just about all I can take out of you.”

“Kinky,” Kingston muttered before downing half the contents of his glass.

Out of all of us, it was Thorne who looked the most uneasy about whatever secrets his father was going to reveal. His sister was faring little better. She was perched beside Moira on one of the leather couches, her fingers digging into its padded surface. I couldn’t blame them. It had been one hit after the other lately, and their sire seemed to be at the center of a lot of it. They were probably questioning everything right now.

“Father, enough of this posturing. Tell us what’s going on.”

The agony in Thorne’s words echoed my own barely contained misery. Each moment that passed was time wasted not searching for Sunny. My berserker stirred inside my chest, restless and on edge. It was a warning. If I didn’t make progress in locating her soon, he would take matters into his own hands. Self-control be damned.

Ice-cold air whispered across my skin the moment before an apparition appeared in front of my face. “Boo.”

I flinched, but I didn’t jump back from the ghost of Callie Blackthorne this time. I’d grown accustomed to her and her pranks after our weeks here. At least to a point.

“Callie, now’s not the time,” Cashel chastised.

“I need Moira. You too, Rosie. Ash is awake and needs one of your herbal remedies. She said her headache is back.”

Moira glanced at me, a plea in her eyes.

“Go to her. I will relay everything after we’re finished here.”

K. Loraine's Novels