“Me too,” Rosie insisted. “I’m part of this now.”

The look Thorne tossed his sister was frustration tinged with gratitude. “We won’t leave you out.”

“You better not. I know where you sleep, Noah Blackthorne.”

Rosie stood and brushed a kiss on her father’s cheek before trailing out of the room behind Moira. Callie, damn her eternal soul, vanished while blowing me a kiss.

“Right, now to business,” I said. “Explain the priest’s role in all this.”

“To understand Caleb, you must first understand the role of the Society.”

Kingston made what I assumed was supposed to be a spooky ghost sound. “Ooooooh.”

“Shut it, Casper.”

Kingston grinned at me, then mouthed, “Boo,” but didn’t say anything further.

I was tempted to turn him into a hairless cat so I could call him a bald pussy, but managed to restrain the urge. Barely.

“What’s the Society?” Thorne asked, ignoring both of us.

Cashel’s frame was so tense my shoulders hurt to look at him. “It’s a group of creatures aligned with one goal. Maintain the balance of the world in which we exist.”

“Caleb maintains the world’s balance? We’re fucked.” Kingston was dead serious, and he wasn’t wrong.

“Not alone, though he plays a crucial role. Thirteen of us were hand-selected to come together and aid this purpose.”

“Who else is a member of your boys’ club?” Kingston asked.

Cashel opened his mouth as if to answer and immediately looked like he sucked a lemon. Closing his mouth again, he shook his head. “The magic of the oath I swore precludes me from speaking their names.”


Over the next hour, Cashel filled us in on what he could. There were several false starts where his voice would fail, and he’d have to backtrack and mince words when he came too close to revealing information his oath deemed confidential. The long and short of it seemed to be that a bunch of rich, arrogant fucks shit the bed and now Sunday and our child were slated for extermination.

Not on my watch.

“So why is Caleb such a key player?” I asked.

Cashel leveled his gaze at me. “Because he stands to regain the one thing he’d betray even his God for.”

Kingston sighed and rolled his eyes. “And that is...”

“His soul.”

“What does he have to do to get it back, Father?” Thorne asked, but we all already knew the truth.

“End the Apocalypse. Kill the child before the gateway fully opens. It’s the only way to stop this. He’s been connected to her, waiting for her, all this time.”

Thorne dragged a hand through his hair. “Fucking creep. He took advantage. He knew she was special and fucking stalked her.”

“Pot meet kettle,” Kingston muttered. “Don’t think I didn’t see you watching her every move when she first arrived at Ravenscroft.”

“We all watched her,” I pointed out. “We knew she was meant for us.”

Thorne wasn’t swayed by my logic. “Yes, but we aren’t the ones who ran off with her, are we? We didn’t know who she was or what we’d have to do. I’ll have his balls for this.”

“Not if she takes them first. Don’t underestimate our girl. She’s as bloodthirsty as we are. There’s no way she’s taking this lying down. It’s not her way.”

K. Loraine's Novels