Shaking myself, I practically jumped across the threshold, my steps a little uncoordinated as I broke through the lusty spell she’d been weaving.

My gaze raked the large space, walls free of all adornments, nothing like what I’d have expected from Lilith. She screamed of leather and lace. Rich fabrics and darkness. Not concrete and bare-bulbed light fixtures. But here we were. There was also a suspicious drain in the floor. I shuddered. What kinds of things did they get up to in these meetings?

Some creatures filled the chairs positioned in a semi-circle, while others stood in conversation together, and another hid in the shadows.

The hair on the back of my neck stood on end when I found the familiar green gaze of my father staring at me. “Dad? What are you...”

And then I started placing the other faces. Tor and—

I growled when I recognized the gray-haired man seated by himself. “Fallon.”

“Leash your mutt, Ronin. Before I put him down,” Niall Fallon snarled.

“He’s petulant. Can’t be contained, Niall. It’s why we sent him to the school in the first place.” My father crossed his arms over his chest and chuckled. “Can’t stand up to a pup? Are you that old?”

“There’s only one way to deal with a petulant child. You should have locked him up until he learned his lesson.”

“Like you did with Sunday?” I snapped, lunging forward without conscious thought.

I was brought up short. Thorne’s hand fisted in the back of my shirt as he reeled me in with one sharp tug. Fucking vampire strength.

“Let me go.”

“This is not the time or place. We’ll deal with him. But not today.”

I jerked out of his hold, huffing out my frustration, shooting daggers and whatever other weapons I could from my eyes as I stalked along the back of the chairs, seeking one as far away from that prick as possible.

“Brother?” Alek’s question drew my focus to Tor, sitting in a chair, regal as if he was the King of fucking... well, Novasgard.

“Father sent me in his stead. I’m as clueless about this as you are. One moment I was rolling in the sheets with a valkyrie, the next, I had a summons to this place.”

“Great. You’ll be so fucking useful,” I muttered.

“Oh, good, I see introductions are underway.” Lilith peered around the room as if she was counting heads on a school bus. “Farrell, Fallon, Nordson, Blackthorne... all the in-laws in one place. All we’re missing is the bride, and it could be a wedding.”

“Enough, Lilith.” A tall biker dude with a face way too pretty for the clothes he wore stepped out of the shadows. The light reflecting off his golden hair made it look like he had a freaking halo.

“Always ruining my fun, Gabriel. Bloody angels are such downers.”

I stiffened.Angels? Motherfucker, this really was apocalyptic shit. I don’t know what I expected, but it wasn’t coming face to face with one of the winged fucks. Who and what were the rest of these people? Because not one of them was human.

“Can we get to the blessed point, please? I have a full moon ritual to prepare for with my coven, and this meeting wasnoton my calendar.” An older woman with steel gray hair and eyes I knew glared at me. Her name hit me before I could stop the thought.Belladonna. She had to be Moira’s relative. The closer I looked, the more she resembled the little witch.

The last figure remaining in the shadows emerged, and my gut churned in response. Professor Sinistra, meek and soft-spoken but eerie as fuck, stared at us. “We are waiting for Antoinette. Then we may begin.”

Antoinette? “Wait, the headmistress?”

“Of course.”

We were closely connected to nearly every person in this damned Society. They’d been pulling the strings all along. Manipulating things so we’d all end up together.

Those motherfuckers were playing with us like we were no more than pawns on a chessboard.

“You’re all in on it.” My accusation was a harsh growl, the need to shift burning through my veins. My eyes found my father. “All of you.”

“And the penny finally drops. These boys are thick-skulled, aren’t they?” Rufus said, his voice snide.

“How long has this been going on?” Alek asked, completely ignoring Lilith’s pet.

K. Loraine's Novels