“Long before you were born,” Gabriel’s smooth voice didn’t hold any hint of his emotions. He was unaffected by all of it.

“But why?” Thorne asked.

“We didn’t know which of you would fulfill the prophecy. Little did we realize it would beallof you. Father always does work in mysterious ways.”

“Magical baby batter. Who knew the Apocalypse would be started by a gang bang?” If someone didn’t shut that fae asshole up, I was going to do it.

“Can youpleasekeep Crombie quiet?” A tall man snapped from his position in the center of the chairs. “Surely that pact of yours allows you to muzzle him?”

The Novasgardians stiffened, their heads snapping in the direction of Lilith’s plaything. “Crombie? I knew it,” Alek breathed beside me.

“Father never said a word,” Tor whispered to himself.

They shared a look deep with unspoken meaning. Clearly Crombie and the Novasgardians had a history. That wasanotherperson in this room connected to us somehow.

Rufus... no, Crombie snorted. “Oh, Finbar, it must be so trying to be last choice to your Shadow Queen. Are you always the end of the train? Should we call you the caboose?”

So this fucker was from the Shadow Court? I added him to my list of revenge kills. The tally was getting longer by the minute.

“Shut your mouth, or I will do it for you. Permanently.”

“Promises, promises. I would love to see you try.”

“Hush now, poppet,” Lilith whispered, her soft command belied by the sharp yank she gave the chain. “You’re here to observe. Let the important people talk.”

“Waiting on me? My apologies. There were matters at the school that required my undivided attention.” The headmistress swooped in from the still-open doors and breezed past us like we didn't even exist. “What’s the rush? I am in the middle of a murder investigation, as you well know.”

“Murder investigation? Who died?” I asked.

She looked my way with a slight lift of her brow. As if she was surprised to see me here.

That makes two of us, lady.

“Eugene Moriarty.”

“Professor Moriarty was murdered?” Thorne’s voice was filled with shock.

“Did I stutter?”

“What happened?”

“What part of the word investigation is escaping you, Mr. Blackthorne? He was found dead in the great hall. Magical foul play suspected. Honestly, if you don’t even understand basic vocabulary, I have no clue how you were accepted at Ravenscroft.”

“Do not speak to my son in that tone.”

The headmistress sniffed. “Don’t bark at me, Cashel. You're the ones who have failed in properly educating your children. I’m just filling in the gaps.”

“Bloody hell, can we move this along? I know I’m not technically a member of this backwards council, but I have punishments to receive,” Crombie groaned.

“The pet is right.” Gabriel acknowledged Crombie with a slight nod of his head. “The reason, Cashel.”

“Sunday is missing,” Thorne said, answering in place of his father.

The room went still, the air thick with tension.

“What do you mean,missing?” Antoinette asked, her voice low.

“Now who doesn’t understand basic vocabulary?” I asked.

K. Loraine's Novels