Page 48 of Cowboy Ever After

They stood for the national anthem as riders galloped around the arena, the flags of both America and the state of Montana waving proudly from the poles secured next to their saddles.

Luke took off his hat and pressed it to his chest, raising his chin as he proudly sang the opening lines of the song. The sound of his deep bass voice filled Kaylee’s chest, and she stood a little taller next to him, lifting her voice with his.

They’d announced the performer as this year’s Girl of the West, and she sang in a loud clear tone. Tears pricked Kaylee’s eyes as they often did when the vocalist belted out the line about the land of the free. A few cheers and hoots went up in the crowd as she held that last note, then the stands thundered with applause as she finished the song.

It was amazing—the sound of the people’s voices lifted around them, all raised in patriotic pride.

Luke glanced down at her then offered her a wink and a grin. “Don’t worry. It gets me choked up too.”

She smiled back as they took their seats again. She really liked this man. Even though her body couldn’t quite decide how to act around him. One minute she was totally calm and at ease, the next she was antsy and nervous and couldn’t figure out where to put her hands. Not that she was hoping he’d try to hold her hand again. Except. Well. Okay, yeah, she was totally hoping for that.

“Hey guys,” Emma called, waving to them from the aisle. “Can I sit with you?”

There wasn’t much room, but Luke waved her in and Kaylee scooted closer to him, pressing her thigh and shoulder against his as Emma squeezed into the spot next to them.

“My dad is helping with the lights, and it was so boring. I saw you guys up here, and he said I could come sit with you.”

“You’re good,” Luke said, reaching around Kaylee’s shoulder to swipe a piece of blue cotton candy from the roll in Emma’s hand.

Kaylee could barely breathe from the heat of his arm around her and the press of his leg next to hers.

The corners of Emma’s lips were stained a sugary blue as she smiled sweetly at Luke. “Also, I came over here because I have a favor to ask.”

“Uh oh,” he said as he swiped another strand of cotton candy. “This is never good.”

“Oh come on. It’s easy,” she said, but the way she was squirming around in her seat told a different story. “You know how I really, really, likerealllllywant that bike at Milligan’s?”


“And how I’ve been saving for months to buy it?”


“Well, they’re doing a competition tonight, and the prize is ahundred-dollargift certificate to Milligan’s. And I just know that if you did it with me, we couldfor surewin.”

Luke glanced at Kaylee then back at Emma. “Just what kind of competition is it?”

“Wellll, it’s more like a race than a competition.” She held up her hand. “But we don’t have to do the racing.”

“I have a feeling I’m going to regret asking this, but who does the racing?”

“It’s one of those chicken races where two teams have a bunch of chickens, and you and your partner have to shoo all your chickens across the finish line first. They’re doing it in the middle of the arena between the bronc riding events and the mutton-busting.”

Kaylee pressed her lips together to keep from laughing.

Luke let out a groan. “How about I justgiveyou the hundred dollars.”

Emma grinned. “I would totally take that, but you know my dad would never let me accept it. He thinks I have to work for the money. But this would count since we have toworktogether to win the race.”

Kaylee nudged his arm. “Youabsolutelyhave to do this. A little girl’s dream is at stake.”

“Why don’t you do it then,” he mumbled.

“Because she asked you. And it seems like it would take a particular set of skills to race chickens that I would no doubt be lacking.”

“Yeah, either that or youarea chicken.”

She laughed. “Oh yes, definitely that too.” She put an arm around Emma. “But I will be your biggest cheerleader. I’ll clap so loud you’ll be able to hear me all the way in the arena.”

Jennie Marts's Novels