Page 49 of Cowboy Ever After

“Thanks,” Emma said, then pressed her palms together as she peered at Luke. “So will you do it? I really need a partner. Please. Please.”

“Fine, I’ll do it,” he grumbled.

The girl bounced up and down in her seat. “Yay. Thank you, Luke.”

He gestured toward the arena. “Don’t you need to go down there and get us signed up?”

She shrugged. “I already did. We have to report to the arena entrance in twenty minutes.”

This time, Kaylee couldn’t hold it in. She laughed out loud as Luke let out another groan.

Twenty minutes later, Luke, Kaylee, and Emma stood at the arena entrance. Luke grimaced as he watched a team set up the course for the chickens to complete.

“I can’t believe I let you two talk me into this.” At least he’d convinced Kaylee to come down with them. She was so keen to have him participate, so she wasn’t getting out of being part of this whole crazy scheme. “We’re gonna look like fools out there.”

“But we’ll be fools who will be able to buy a bicycle,” Emma said.

“Oh come on.” Kaylee ribbed him again. “It looks like fun.”

A woman wearing a blue vest with the words ‘Fairgrounds Staff’ stamped on the back of it came up to them. She held up a clipboard and pointed her pen at Luke and Kaylee. “You two the team for the Dusty Acres Chicken Chasers?”

Emma lifted her shoulders as she grinned at Luke. “It was the best team name I could think of on the spot.”

“Yeah, I guess that’s us,” he told the woman then pointed to Emma. “But she and I are the team.”

The woman frowned at Emma. “Sorry. Competitors have to be eighteen and older.”

The young girl’s face fell. “Oh no. But wehaveto do it. Ihaveto win that gift certificate. I’m trying to buy a bike.”

“Your team is still signed up, so you can have your mom take your place,” the woman said, nodding toward Kaylee.

Emma grabbed Kaylee’s hand and squeezed. “Will you, please? You know how much I want that bike,Mom.”

“Oh. Gosh. But I’m not. I can’t,” Kaylee stammered.

“Sure you can,” Luke told her, wearing way too satisfied of a grin. He nudged her arm. “Weren’t you just telling me how Ihadto do this? Remember?Ourlittle girl’s dream is at stake.”

Jennie Marts's Novels