Page 52 of Cowboy Ever After

“It’s working,” she yelled. The chicken’s tail feathers bounced as it let out a squawk and ran back toward its feathered friends.

“Hold the line,” Luke called. His legs were bent in a squat as he scooted forward, keeping the birds from getting past him.

They circled the miniature barn obstacle and headed toward the finish…er, fowl line.

Kaylee glanced over at their competitors. One of their chickens had also gotten loose, and Sandy was chasing it around the back part of the arena. Bill was doubled forward, his hands on his knees, trying to control his gales of laughter at his wife’s antics. “Get her, Sandy,” he hooted then howled with another burst of laughter.

“We got this,” she shouted to Luke over the noise of the boisterous crowd. “Don’t let that one get by you.”

He waved a hand at the escaping bird, trying to keep her from getting by him. The chicken turned back around and ran straight at Kaylee.

Memories of the attacking mama goose raced through her mind, but at least this chicken wasn’t hissing at her. She stood her ground, raising up on her toes and squawking loudly at it. It worked. The chicken veered back toward the others.

They made it around the second obstacle and were in the home stretch now. Luke and Kaylee joined forces behind and to either side of the chickens and herded them forward. The crowd was cheering and laughing.

All they had to do was get their chickens across the line. Ten more feet, and they’d have it.

“We’re going to win,” Kaylee shouted, beaming at Luke.

Her smile fell as a chicken wearing a red ribbon around her neck went racing by them and crossed the finish line.

Luke shot a quick glance behind them. “That’s only one. They still have to get the other two across. Come on.” His face pinched into a grimace as he shook his head then he raised his arms into wings. “This is all for Emma,” he yelled before letting out a loud, “Bawk Bawk.”

Letting out a laugh, she joined in, flapping her “wings” and bawking their way toward the finish line. She could see Sandy and Rod coming up behind them, and she doubled her efforts, flapping harder and squawking louder.

They were neck and neck as two of each team’s chickens had crossed the fowl line.

One chicken left.

The crowd was going crazy, clapping and cheering. It wasn’t clear who they were cheering for, but they sounded like they were having fun.

“Go! Go! Go!” Kaylee yelled as their final chicken raced across the line inches ahead of the competitor.

“Yes!” Luke yelled, turning to her and holding out his arms.

The adrenaline must have taken over her body, because she didn’t even think about it before leaping into his arms. “We did it. We won!” she cried, as he lifted her off her feet and spun her around.

Her boots had barely touched the grass when they were engulfed in a tackle hug from Emma. “I knew you could do it!” Luke let go of Kaylee and lifted Emma up as she hugged his neck.

“Let’s go get your prize,” he said, setting Emma down and grabbing Kaylee’s hand to pull her toward the judge’s table.

“Good job, Blue Team,” the announcer said. “You’re now the reigning Chicken Chasing Champions.”

One of the judges handed them an envelope and a clipboard with a form attached. “I just need you to sign that you received the gift certificate.”

Kaylee took the envelope while Luke scrawled his name on the form. She leaned forward, lowering her voice a little as she conspiratorially spoke to the judge. “We really worked it out there. Did we get extra for our style points?”

The judge stared blankly back at her. “Stylepoints? What are those?”

Luke huffed as he shook his head. He yanked the feathered vest and hat off and tossed them onto the table. “That woman. She had us bawking and squawking like fools.”

“Who cares?” Emma said, jumping up and down. “You won!”

“Youwon,” Kaylee said, trying not to laugh at Luke as she passed Emma the envelope with the gift certificate.

The girl took it and pressed it to her chest. “I can’t believe it. You guys are the best. I have to go tell my dad.” She gave them each another hug before running toward the lighting booth.

Kaylee took off her props and set them on the table then beamed at Luke. She could feel the flush in her cheeks, and she was sure her hair was a tangled mess. But she didn’t care. They had won.And Luke had hugged her and held her hand.“That felt amazing.”

Jennie Marts's Novels