Page 53 of Cowboy Ever After

“It did,” he agreed as he put his arm around her waist and led her toward the exit of the arena. “But I’m okay if I never do it again.”

She giggled. Yes,giggled. Like a schoolgirl whose crush had his arm wrapped around her. “Agreed. But itwaskinda fun. Who knew chicken racing was such an exciting event?”

Luke offered her a side-eye. “Don’t you mean ‘egg’-citing?”

She laughed again as she swatted playfully at his chest.

He dropped his arm when they got to the steps to the bleachers, holding the gate so she could go through first. They made their way back to their seats amidst hoots and hollers of congratulations and chicken jokes.

“I’m never going to live that down,” Luke said, dropping onto the bleacher.

“But you’ll be a legend among Bartlett’s foremost chicken chasers.” Kaylee teased as she settled next to him.

They made their way through two more sodas and a bucket of salty popcorn as they watched the rest of the rodeo. Kaylee was fascinated as she watched the barrel racing event, gripping Luke’s arm as the women galloped their horses around the barrels then flew full speed past the finish line.

She tried to take in the sounds of the thundering hooves as they sped through the dirt, the thud of the cowgirl’s heels against the horse’s sides, the roar of the crowd, and the twang of the announcer as he broadcast the girl’s names and the times of their rides.

In her mind, she tried to imagine how Sassy would feel as she anxiously waited for her turn then the rush of adrenaline as she spurred her horse into action and galloped into the ring.

She took pictures and shot some video so she could relive those few seconds of speed again as she wrote Sassy’s next barrel-racing scene. Before they left, she sent Faye a quick text with a few pictures telling her how glad she was she’d forced her to come to Montana.

Faye had sent back a laughing emoji, and Kaylee could hear her editor’s ‘told you so’ laughter in her head.

“Thank you,” she told Luke later as they got out of the truck and headed up the porch steps. He’d given her his flannel shirt to wear earlier when she’d shivered, and the warm fabric kept out the cool of the evening air. “This night—this whole day—has just been amazing. I’ve had the best time.” Before she could let herself think too much about it, she stepped forward and gave him a hug.

It was a quick one, but it was heartfelt, and had her pulse thrumming as she let him go and reached for the front door.

“Don’t you want me to check for wild animals before you go in there?” Luke teased her as he reached around and pulled the door open for her.

She jerked back. “You don’t think…?”

“I’m just teasing.” He chuckled as they entered the house and were greeted enthusiastically by Gladys and Cooper. The two dogs ran around, their butts wiggling as they chased each other than raced back to get in a lick at Luke’s or Kaylee’s hands before running off again. Cooper unearthed an old tennis ball from under the sofa and dropped it at Kaylee’s feet.

“Not tonight, buddy,” Luke told the dog, ruffling his neck before opening the front door and letting the two dogs outside.

“It’s so cute how they get along so well and play together.”

“Yeah, Gladys has already claimed her favorite spot on the sofa.” Almost as if they belonged here.

Both dogs finished their business and clamored back up the porch steps, whining to be let back in. Luke opened the door, and Gladys raced down the hall then stopped outside the bedroom door to wait for Kaylee.

“I guess someone’s ready for bed.”

Luke jerked a thumb toward the front door. “I’m gonna check on the animals before I turn in.”

“Oh, you’ll probably want this,” she said, reaching for the lapels of the shirt. “Thanks for loaning it to me. I’m not used to the way it cools off at night here. Summer nights in Chicago stay hot and muggy.” She started to pull her arm from the sleeve, but he waved her off.

“Keep it. It looks better on you anyway.” He flashed her a grin that had butterflies taking off in her stomach, reeling and swirling as they crashed into each other. “Goodnight Kaylee.”

“Goodnight Luke.” She headed down the hall.

She didn’t turn around, but a smile spread across her face as she heard him say, “I had a really good time tonight too.”

Jennie Marts's Novels