Page 65 of Cowboy Ever After

And suddenly Kaylee found herself dancing with Dean as Emma stole her cowboy. “Sorry,” she told him, feeling clumsy again. “I’m just learning these dance steps.”

“Don’t apologize. My last partner was an excited ten-year-old hopped up on soda and cotton candy,” he said with a chuckle. He shrugged his shoulder underneath her hand. “We were all beginners at one time. And Luke used to be terrible. I think he used to repeat the steps—quick, quick, slow, slow—out loud throughout the whole song.”

Kaylee laughed with him, not sure if Luke was still chanting the steps for her benefit, or his.

“I think he got better the more he did it, though. And Beth loved to dance. I swear, she was the life of every party. Even if there wasn’t dancing happening, she’d either move the furniture and start a dance party or force us all to go somewhere with a band.”

Kaylee smiled, pushing down her insecurities of knowing she would never be considered the life of any party. She doubted her presence was usually noted at any sort of social function. That might have something to do with the fact she usually spent more time petting and chatting with the host’s dog or cat than any of the guests, but still.

“I wish I could have known her.”

Dean grinned. “You would have liked her. And she would have loved you. I’ll bet you two would have been great friends.”

Kaylee smiled back, feeling the compliment swirl then settle inside her. “Thank you,” she said, but her voice was lost as the music changed tempo and the crowd let out a whoop.

By the time they made it around the dance floor, Kaylee was more at ease dancing with Dean. The partner change gave her a chance to test out the steps on her own without the added pressure of having a mad crush on her partner.

“Switch back,” Emma shouted as they finished their rotation.

They laughed as their feet and hands got jumbled up switching partners again, but Kaylee loved how easily she slipped back into Luke’s embrace.

“Are you having fun?” he asked her as they glided around the periphery of the dance floor.

“Yes,” she told him. And meant it. “I’m having the best day. And night.”

“What’s been your favorite part?”

“Oh, gosh, there were so many. I think it’s a tossup between…” She offered him a coy smile. “…the first bite of the Bartlett Blendanndthis moment right now.”

“Nice,” he said with a chuckle. “I love that my competition for your favorite moment is caramel popcorn.”

“Caramelandkettle corn.”

“I’m honored. And a little annoyed.” He sped up the steps a little as the song hit the last chorus. “Now my competitive spirit has kicked in,” he said as he spun her in a twirl then dipped her slightly back. His face was inches from hers, his voice soft with a hint of flirtation. “What can I do to makethismoment edge into first place?”

The song ended, but she was barely aware of the music, as Luke’s gaze dropped to her lips.

She couldn’t breathe as he bent his head closer, the anticipation of the kiss hammering like the wings of a thousand butterflies in her chest.

Closer still.

She fluttered her eyes, not quite closing them; she didn’t want to miss a second of the best moment of her night. And possibly her life.

His lips were barely a breath away when a large pop sounded and a flash of color lit up the sky.

His head whipped up, his face tilting to the sky as he lifted her back to standing. She tipped her head back too. Her cheek was still close to his, and her body stayed in the cradle of his arm as they watched the sky explode into a display of colorful fireworks.

“Wow,” she said, looking up at him with a grin when the fireworks ended. “Not sure how you timed that so perfectly, but you just pulled ahead for my favorite part of the night.”

He laughed and leaned toward her with no hesitation this time, as if he knew that if he didn’t kiss her then, he’d miss his chance. But the kiss turned into a breathless grunt as Emma plowed into them, throwing her arms around Kaylee’s waist in an exuberant hug.

“Wasn’t that awesome?” the girl said, wiggling between them to give Luke a hug too. “It made me feel so happy inside.”

“I feel pretty happy inside right now too,” Luke said, glancing up at Kaylee with a knowing smile.

She couldn’t help the grin that took over her face. “Me, too.”

“You all about ready to go?” Dean asked. “I think I heard the band say they were only going to play another couple of songs. If we go now, we might have a chance at getting out of the parking lot first.”

Jennie Marts's Novels