Page 66 of Cowboy Ever After

“Sure,” Kaylee said, although she didn’t really want the night to end. And she really didn’t care if she got stuck for longer in the parking lot, because she’d still be in the truck, alone with Luke.

They started to leave, when she noticed Bear sitting in a chair off to the side of the dance floor. His foot was tapping to the music as he listened to the band.

She reached for Luke’s arm. “Wait. If we have time, I need to do one more thing.”

He shrugged. “Go ahead. I’m in no rush.”

She crossed the dance floor and offered a little wave as she approached him. “Hi, Bear.”

He nodded solemnly, his granite expression showing no signs of being happy to see her. “Kaylee,” was all he said.

She swallowed, so close to leaving it at that and turning around. But she couldn’t leave—she knew this was something she needed to do. “Um, so, listen I’m wondering if you’d like to dance? With me.”

He peered up at her, his expression changing between a mixture of confusion and delight. “You are an odd one,” he said pushing up from the chair and holding out his hand. “But you’re also the best offer I’ve got all night.”

He towered over her, but his grip was gentle as she slid her hand into his. He walked her onto the floor but kept a reasonable distance between them as he placed his hand on her shoulder blade and led them into the dance.

He kept his back straight and his chin held high as he guided her with a surprising gracefulness around the outside of the other dancers.

He glanced down at her. “I can’t quite figure you out, Kaylee Collins. You don’t seem particularly courageous, yet unlike most of the people in this town, you don’t seem to be afraid of me.”

“I’m not. Not really.” She narrowed her eyes. “Should I be?”

“I don’t know why.”

“I’ll admit, you do give off a bit of a scary vibe. But it’s just because you look kind of angry most of the time, and you’re…you know…” She wasn’t quite sure what word to use.Talldidn’t seem quite descriptive enough.

“A giant?” he filled in for her.

She shrugged. “A gentle giant, though.”

“You sure? Most of the kids around here think I’m going to gobble them up for supper.”

“Ortake them off on a flying motorcycle to a magical school.”

He shook his head as he let out a soft chuckle. “I’m not going to do either. I mainly just want to be left alone.”

“If I’d left you alone, we wouldn’t be having this lovely dance.” Her hand seemed small in his large one, but she gave his a little squeeze. “You’re quite light on your feet for a giant.”

He laughed again, a deep rumbling laugh that came from his chest. It sounded a little rusty, like it hadn’t been used in a while. “You are a strange creature,” was all he said as his laughter died.

She lifted one shoulder in another offhand shrug. “It takes one to know one.”

Another chuckle rumbled through him as the song came to an end. He released her then took a step back and leaned forward in a bow. “Thank you for the dance, Miss Collins.”

She offered him a curtsy in return. “It was my pleasure, Mr…I mean, Bear.”

The band announced they were starting their last song of the night, and she waved to Bear before hurrying around the floor to where Luke stood waiting for her on the other side.

He held out her jacket and another large bag of Bartlett’s Blend. “I grabbed you another bag. For the road.”

A little shiver of happiness fluttered down her back. Another sweet and thoughtful thing Luke had done for her that night. “Thank you,” she said, tucking the popcorn under her arm.

“But you can’t eat any tonight because I don’t want to take a chance on losing my standing.” He teased her as they walked back toward the truck, then took her hand to help her over a rocky patch of ground at the edge of the parking lot.

She held back a sigh as he kept her hand in his all the way to the truck, only letting it go to open her door for her. She got in and considered scooting to the center, aching to sit next to him. Why was she even hesitating? They’d already danced together,andalmost kissed, and he’d said he liked her. She scootched to the center, and her heart did a little flutter at the way he smiled as he slid in next to her.

They rode back to the ranch in companionable silence. Kaylee slumped against the seat, the excitement of the night finally starting to wear off.

Jennie Marts's Novels