Page 67 of Cowboy Ever After

As they pulled up to the house, she spotted Cooper and Gladys in the front window, their paws on the ledge as they each gave one bark to welcome her and Luke home.

“Crazy mutts,” Luke muttered, as he got out and came around to her side of the truck. “I’ll bet they’re more excited to go outside than they are to see us.”

“Speak for yourself,” she said, giving him a playful nudge to the ribs. “This is the longest Gladys and I have been apart in weeks. I’m sure she missed me.”

“I think Cooper only misses me if it’s past his mealtime.” His dog seemed to prove him wrong as he opened the front door and the golden flew out and pranced around his legs, whining and begging to be pet.

Gladys, on the other hand shot out, completely ignored Kaylee as she raced into the yard, her nose to the ground as if checking every scent to see if anything new had been there since her last patrol. Satisfied with her tour of the grass, she finally came back to Kaylee to get a cuddle. “See what I mean?” she told Luke with a laugh. “I’m obviously her first priority.”

They stood on the porch for a few minutes watching the dogs race back out to romp in the front yard.

“That was a nice thing you did,” Luke told her as he leaned back against the post. “Asking Bear to dance.”

She shrugged. “It was more of a nice thing forhimto do. I think I stepped on his feet three times.”

“I doubt he even noticed.”

“I like him. He intrigues me.” She held up her hand. “But don’t tell him I said so.”

A smile creased Luke’s face. “Your secret’s safe with me.”

She opened the front door as the dogs ran back up on the porch. Letting them inside, she started to follow.

“Wait,” Luke said, stepping forward and reaching for her hand. “Don’t go in yet.”

She turned, her heart thundering in her chest as her knees felt weak.

This is it. He’s finally going to kiss me.

Jennie Marts's Novels