Page 12 of Big Bad Girl

Other guys have stared at me like this but were woefully unable to make me feel a thing with that look.

“I think I saw an article about that sorority on the school’s Twitter account,” he says. “Sounds cool. Still, maybe you need a chaperone for whatever clam bake those girls have planned tonight. Those frat-boy parties can get out of control.”

“Trust me,” I say with a wink. “I can protect myself.”

“I believe you, but even so. I feel this foreign, overwhelming urge to look out for you.”

I chuckle. “You barely know me.”

Ozzie’s eyes widen. “I know; that’s why I said it’s foreign.”

I blink at him, wide-eyed, trying not to laugh. If he only knew what I was illegally carrying around in this handbag. “That’s sweet. But really. I’m fine.”

He offers, “I could tag along as your bodyguard?”

I laugh. “Not the attention I’m looking for. Besides, everyone would assume we were a couple, anyway.”

Ozzie twists his lip for a moment, gearing up to say something brave if I had to guess. “I’d love it if we were.”

Yep. That was brave.

And the way he says, that sends a warm vibration up and down my spine.

“You seem like a sweet guy,” I say. “But…I am strongly encouraged to date someone involved in Greek life. So unless you pledge for a fraternity, I can’t go on a date with you or even invite you to a social gathering.”

This is a total lie. Of course, I can. But he doesn’t know that. And it’s only half a lie. The girls thoroughly vet everyone we associate with outside of Greek life. After last year’s whole thing with Leela, our founder, getting involved with a drug dealer—or an ex-drug dealer—nobody is messing around. Everyone has to be background checked. Even though Crosby Nash turned out to be a good guy, and everyone here loves him—he’s like our personal mascot—Leela did get briefly kidnapped. So, we’re still cautious about protecting each other and our image.

Which is a good enough excuse for me. Because looking at Ozzie, I could easily let this guy take me out. He’s kind, sweet, funny, adorably awkward, and sexy. I’d let him kiss me with those full lips, no questions asked.

“Maybe…maybe we can be study partners,” I offer. I know it’s not the best idea. I can’t have a boyfriend. If my cover is blown, I’d have to leave town and break his heart. Worst-case scenario, my enemies could use him against me. And I’ve seen first-hand how that goes down.

He’s probably got a whole slew of people who love him. As endearing as that is, I can’t let anyone get too close to me for their own safety.

Still, I crave male companionship. A study partner is the safest scenario. Just studying. That’s all we’re going to do.

Abby Knox's Novels