Page 32 of Big Bad Girl

We are awake until midnight going over the strategies, and everyone is transfixed by Mila’s abilities.

“My dear, where did you learn this?” Mom asks.

Mila stammers, “Uh…you know…one of my uncles, I think it was. He used to be a blackjack dealer. But I have to warn you, if you use it at a casino, the pit bosses will notice and escort you out.”

Later that night, as I’m helping clean up in the kitchen, I hear Mom take Mila aside. “You know,” Mom says, “if you want to move your things to Ozzie’s room up in the attic, I won’t object.”

The remaining siblings in the kitchen hear this, too, and they erupt. “You would never have let Cynthia stay in my room!” Bryan shouts.

Beau agrees. “Yes, when Betsy and I got engaged, you always made her sleep in a guest room!”

Mom shrugs. “Yeah, I’m older now and much less uptight about those things.”

Dad walks in and wraps his arms around Mom’s midsection from behind. “I’ll say she is,” he croons, dabbing her neck with loud kisses. This sends Mom into a fit of giggles as she pretends to try to get away.

I look over at Mila, who blushes a burgundy red and refuses to make eye contact with me.

Everyone around the room stares at Mom like a pod person.

“Who are you, and what have you done with our mother?” asks Sawyer.

“Listen,” Mom says. “Your father and I were raised by a certain generation that didn’t speak about sex. And now we regret not having more of it when we were younger. So I say, as long as everyone involved is enthusiastic about it, then you should have as much sex as possible. So, Mila, that said, we’re fine if you want to sleep in my son’s room.”

The room is silent as all the siblings await Mila’s response.

Mila shrugs. “Ok, but I don’t think Betsy wants to share Beau.”

For at least the third time that night, Mila has the room falling apart in laughter.

And I’m in serious, deep danger of falling for her.

Abby Knox's Novels