Page 54 of Big Bad Girl



The truth takes much longerthan I thought. But after about thirty minutes, I’ve got the gist.

Mila, my Mila, took revenge for the death of her parents. She shot Bulletproof Whitman, then disappeared, assumed a new identity, and chose Beta Beta Psi to lay low after her “grandfather” Khaz sacrificed himself to help her escape.

I thought her story was bananas when I thought she’d run away to escape the mafia. Now it’s so much more than that.

And yet what I know of her—the gun, the restlessness, the paranoia, how she was even able to create a whole new identity—it all adds up.

“You did that.”

She nods, biting her lip.

“You’re the one who shot and killed Bulletproof?”

She squeaks out a whispery, “Yes. I did it. I killed him.”

“Oh, Mila.”

Abby Knox's Novels