He pushes his forehead against mine but his head is lagging a bit and his color is awful and the machine is screeching.

“Tell me you’ll be here when I wake up,” he chokes as he’s wheeled away.

“I’ll be here. Come back to me.”

“I swear, angel. I swear it.”

* * *

Jared is dischargedfrom hospital two days later minus a spleen and on crutches for a broken ankle. Besides that, my man walks tall, proud and utterly gorgeous.

He looks lighter too, and my insides turn over at the thought that I helped in some small measure in easing the burden he’s carried for years.

We don’t leave by road, though.

After years of being reclusive, he isn’t ready for the sudden influx of people, cars and noise yet, so we return to the residence with the aid of the top-line in medical choppers.

The moment he steps out of the aircraft, he tosses one crutch away and pulls me into his side.

“Jared, you’re not supposed to put weight on that ankle.”

“Fuck that. I’m not using those things if it means my hands are full of anything else but you.” His lips brush my temple as the private medical staff who accompanied us bustle around him.

As usual, he ignores everyone else as his mouth trails down my cheek and jaw before swooping to capture my waiting lips.

And right on top of New York City, we kiss with a fervor and desperation that shows how much we’ve missed this vital connection.

“I love you,” he groans when he lifts his head a fraction. “So, so much.”

“I love you, too.”

“Never leave me. I thought I’d die without you, my angel.”

“Same, Daddy. Same.”

His eyes turn molten at the name and he pulls me even closer before hobbling us toward the rooftop elevator.

When we get inside, he ignores the medics who’re dying to get him to use the wheelchair and pulls me close again. I spike my fingers into his hair, and we kiss until the door pings open again.

The hobbled journey from elevator to bedroom is filled with growled curses and variations of “fuck this fucking thing.”

We’re halfway down the hall when he pins me to the wall and attacks my clothes. “Dammit, I need to be inside you!”

My tank top rips beneath his merciless grip and exposes my lace-covered tits. He makes a noise that’s a cross between joy and pain before his head swoops down.

“I think we can take it from here, thanks,” I gasp at the medics as Jared’s mouth latches onto my nipple and he sucks hard enough to leave a humongous hickey on my breast tomorrow.

I barely hear them leave, my hands exploring Jared as avidly as he’s exploring me.

“I need you naked. Now.”

I shimmy out of my leggings and panties and another second later, I lose my bra.

A shudder runs through him as he stares down at my naked body. When he meets my gaze again, his eyes are feral with that hunger I know and love. “I adore this body. I’m obsessed with every inch of you. I promise to love you, to make you the happiest little girl in the world. Now tell me you love me again, princess,” he pleads. “Tell me you’re mine forever.”

“I’m yours, Jared. All yours. And I love you more than I can ever show you in this lifetime.”

His eyes look suspiciously damp as he nods and cups my jaw in that ultra-gentle way I utterly adore. “Help me to bed, little girl. Daddy needs you to sit on his face for the next twelve hours so he can drown in all that beautiful love.”

I giggle as I help him to his…ourbedroom.

And when he’s naked and sprawled out and delivers that devastating smile, I know my heart is restored and right where it needs to be.

In Jared Prince’s care.