Three Years Later

“Enough of this now, angel. It’s time to come out.”

I giggle and splash around in the water some more. Despite his stern voice, my husband of three years grins as he holds out the towel.

I poke my tongue at him but linger for another minute before waddling up the shore. Waddling is the correct term because I’m a thousand years pregnant—well, eight months, but it feels like I’ve been knocked up forever.

There’s a look of relief on Jared’s face as he enfolds me in the large towel. As usual, his touch is gentle as he dabs the water from my skin. And predictably, he groans when he reaches my breasts.

“Are your tits even bigger than they were last week?”

I laugh again, and the sound echoes down the private beach bordering the property he bought just so I could swim in the sea, naked.

Yes, I’ve become a bit of an exhibitionist in the past three years. Jared loves it and I don’t mind one little bit. “You said the same thing yesterday, but you might be right.”

I cup the overflowing handfuls and squeeze them together. His pupils dilate and he drops to his knees on the pretext of drying my legs but I know what’s coming.

I lean forward and execute a shakyarabesqueand his eyes flame with lust.

Another minute later, I’m spread out on the towel and my husband’s head is buried between my thighs.

My fingers spike into his hair and I count my endless blessings as he eats me out with the fervor and mastery that hasn’t waned one little bit since that afternoon in the ballroom when he took my virginity.

Hell, if anything, our sex life has grown even more intense. Those three days without each other opened our eyes to how much we loved and needed one another. Each day beyond that has been a blessing we haven’t taken for granted.

Jared’s scary excursion outside after so long cooped up inside made him realize that, as much as we loved the novelty of the residences, we couldn’t ignore the outside world forever.

We found a therapist who helped him to get past his mild agoraphobia and anger issues.

It took baby steps, starting with leaving the residence once a month by chopper and flying over New York City for half an hour.

Now we venture out once a week by car or chopper, and while he takes an interest in the outside world, most of the time we’re fucking like bunnies in the chopper or in the back of whatever vehicle we’re riding in.

I returned to ballet practice with Mrs. Olsteen and after a year of keeping me to himself, Jared came up with the idea of live-streaming my performances instead of attempting to dance in front of a live audience.

The result was a hit and I racked up millions of followers on social media within weeks.

Now, I sell tickets for exclusive performances twice a year, although that’s on hold now that I’m pregnant.

When he heard me confess to Noelle how much I missed the beach, Jared bought a property in Connecticut with a private beach, hence our presence here today.

I gasp at the sweet friction of his fingers gliding in and out of my pussy. “Fuck, you’re still so tight,” he groans. “I can’t get enough of this little snatch. Come for me, little girl. Show Daddy how much you love your pretty pink pussy eaten.”

The words trigger the inevitable Pavlovian response and the most sublime orgasm unravels through me.

I feel him tug at the strings of his shorts and a minute later he’s pulling my thighs over his, spreading me wide to receive the thick rod I love and crave.

His gaze searches mine, a touch of vulnerability lurking in there that makes me love him even more.

He’s still the ruthless genius who commands everything around him, but that gentle side that woke up when I came into his life has grown in leaps and bounds in the last three years.

He forgave my father for stealing from him and attempting to drive a wedge between us. His only stipulation was that Dad stayed away from us. A stipulation I had no problem agreeing to since our relationship was irreparably broken.

But what stunned me most of all was Jared agreeing to speak at his father’s parole board hearing.

Seeing him accept that all human beings were flawed and making allowances for his father’s tapped into another vein of love I didn’t even know existed.