Page 5 of His to Ruin

"And rather than being sick," the stranger went on, "what you're feeling right now is an uncontrolled need to fuck."

A gasp broke past her lips as Prue's world started to spin out of control. "" She struggled to get the right words out, but it was impossible.

Could someone really have spiked my drink?

The more she thought of it, the more things started making sense, and Prue could feel herself start to tremble as the ramifications of those words began to dawn on her.

Someone had to be really mad at her to do such a thing, but who? And why?

Also - how did he know what was happening to her?

Could he be involved?

The answer to her last question came to her just as swiftly.


She knew she was only going with gut feel here, but she just couldn't imagine him colluding with someone to spike her drink. She would bet her life on it. This man had nothing to do with what she was going through. He was a good man, and that mattered to her.

Why that was so, however, was what confused and frightened her, but when she made the slightest move to step back, the stranger did so as well, and Prue was aghast to feel her senses spiral when she felt his thumb slowly trace the outline of her lip.

Another moan broke out of her, and the sound of it was like having her face splashed with ice-cold water. She jumped back, and this time the stranger made no attempt to stop her, and the fact that he didn't made her realize this was all planned.

He had touched her, Prue realized with horror, so she could see for herself that his words were no lie. Someone had spiked her drink, and whatever it was she had unknowingly ingested, that drug seemed to have successfully turned her into a whore.

Khadem knew the exact moment everything had become painfully clear to her, and he waited until her gaze reluctantly lifted back to his before spelling out her fate.

"It's your choice now," Khadem said silkily. "Do you want me to fuck you...or would you rather take your chances with another stranger?"

Chapter Two

It was on her first day in university that Prue had met Klaus. She had been trying to find her way to her first class, and Klaus had approached Prue like some dashing knight in soccer uniform, his smile gentle as he asked her if she needed help.

Since Prue came from an all-girls' school, talking to boys had still been a new experience, but Klaus had somehow made her feel safe. He had also been good at making her laugh, and he had made Prue feel so relaxed that she hadn't thought of refusing when he had asked for her number.

It was only after Klaus had walked her to class, and she had heard how the other kids whispered about him, that Prue realized he was no ordinary student. He was apparently one of the most popular guys in their university, and the fact had made Prue avoid him at first.

But Klaus had been gently insistent, and he would always carve out time from his busy schedule to have lunch with Prue and walk her to class. When Klaus eventually asked her to be his girlfriend, Prue had dreamily said 'yes'...and it was only afterwards that she realized relationships like theirs didn't involve just two persons.

None of Klaus' friends had bothered to hide their dislike and disapproval of Prue, and when she thought about all the times Klaus had defended her to those who thought he deserved someone better...

How could she ever betray him, just because she had this stupid drug in her system?

The thought gave Prue the courage to walk away from the stranger without another word, and she didn't let herself look back even as her shaky knees threatened to give out.

Do you want me to fuck you...or would you rather take your chances with another stranger?

The man's words taunted her endlessly in her mind, but she refused to believe her situation could be so dire. Desperation gnawed at her as she searched the dance floor for Alta. Her cousin could help her. Her cousin would get her out of this mess. She truly believed that...but how could the other girl help her when Prue couldn't find her at all?

This close to the crowd, the music was louder and even more unbearable, with the way its heart-thudding beats made her head pound in rhythm. There were just so, so many people, too, and when a man walking past Prue accidentally bumped her shoulder, that brief moment of contact was more than enough to have Prue cry need.

I can't believe this is happening!

Helpless tears stung her eyes as lust raged through her body like some virus, and feeling it infect every inch of her flesh forced Prue to accept the truth.