Page 6 of His to Ruin

He was right.

The need to fuck was uncontrollable, and she was so, so scared that the next time she came into contact with a man, she would end up begging whoever that was to make love to her.

Lord, help me!

Her heart leapt to her throat when she noticed a group of guys walking her way, and Prue's heart shriveled in dread when she recognized them as upperclassmen who studied in the same university she attended. Those guys would definitely know Klaus, and if one of them were to accidentally touch her—-

The thought had Prue backing away in panic, and a cry spilled past her lips when she bumped into what her senses now knew was another exquisitely hard chest. She turned around—-

And it was him!

The stranger who told her the truth!

"Please help me." Prue knew she was being shameless, but the heat inside of her had burned all of her principles away, and she knew it was only a matter of time when even the difference between right and wrong would cease to matter.

"I already told you how I can help."

The purr in his tone made her want to cry and cry out. "Please."

"You know what I want."

Prue stared at him helplessly. "I can't. I have a boyfriend."

Khadem felt himself whiten at the girl's words.

A boyfriend, goddammit.

A boyfriend!

The possibility that this girl could belong to another man hadn't occurred to him, and although a part of him was sorely tempted to break his own rules and pretend he hadn't heard her say anything—-

His bitterness simply wouldn't allow him to forget, and Khadem forced himself to take a step back from the girl. "Then I'm sorry."

Prue was so stunned by the swiftness of his rejection that all she could do was look at him. Did this mean he was going to leave her like this? Was he really going to let her take her chances with the next stranger she'd bump into?


But the man was already turning away, and Prue reached for his hand unthinkingly.


She had forgotten all about her body's crazy response to skin-to-skin contact in her panic, and the stranger turned to face her as soon as her fingers curled around his wrist. His skin felt so unbelievably hot, and when she lifted her gaze to his, it was then she saw the frustration and hunger blazing from his eyes.

He wants me?

The knowledge nearly made her writhe, and Prue desperately fought against the urge to throw herself at him. If Klaus as her boyfriend was difficult to believe, then to have this stranger attracted to her should have been outright impossible...and yet he actually did.

How can he want me?

And why isn't he taking advantage of my situation?

Khadem gritted his teeth upon seeing the expression on the girl's face. She had finally realized that he wanted her, and he could see in her eyes that she was wondering why he wasn't doing anything about it.

"Forget about your boyfriend," Khadem said roughly. "Come with me, and I'll take care of you."

Yes, oh, yes. Those were the words her body was urging her to say, but how could she when she had Klaus?

"I'm sorry," she choked out, "but I can't."

Khadem's fists clenched as the girl spun away from his hold. This was for the best, he told himself. Damsels in distress like her was the bane of his life. The last time he had been gullible enough to love one, the woman had loved him back...but just not enough to stay by his side when it most mattered.

Prue told herself not to panic. Her body might be in turmoil, but there had to be a way she could deal with this herself. All she needed to do was to find some private place before her urges drove all rational thought out of her mind, and—-

"You win."

It was the stranger again, and he was suddenly in front of her, his handsome face taut.

"Just let me take you somewhere safe—-" Khadem reached for her hand, but the girl reared back as if horrified, and it was like the past all over again. When he had asked Alanna to marry him, she had yanked her hand out of his hold like his touch had sickened him.

Prue could tell that the stranger had mistaken her reaction for disgust. She wished she could tell him that he was wrong, and that what she feared was how his touch had the power to make her completely forget her morals. But if she told him the truth, she was scared he would keep insisting on helping her, and she just didn't know how long she could hold herself back.

Khadem's jaw tightened when he saw how the girl appeared close to crying. It reminded him of how Alanna used to call him a brute every time she burst into tears, and the memory had him hardening himself against the way the girl was subconsciously begging for his help with her big, brown eyes.