“Oh. Thanks. That would be great.”

“Honestly, you’re a terrible cook,” Cassia deadpanned.

Adalynn’s mouth dropped open. “I am not!”

“You are. You have to know that. I don’t mind doing it. I

cooked all the time at—well, in Vegas,” Cassia said, her throat

working hard with a swallow. Clearly, she meant before she

was in Vegas, but she didn’t want to talk about that life. It was

obvious that morning, when she’d asked if Adalynn knew who

her father was, then abruptly changed the subject, that she

wanted a yes or no answer and didn’t want to take it any

further than that.

“Those cookies you made were probably the best I’ve ever

tasted,” Adalynn admitted. “I couldn’t beat them if I spent

years practicing.”

“Oh, I’m sure you’d do just fine. You just need practice.”

Cassia’s bright blue eyes settled on the camera in Adalynn’s

hand. “If you still want to show me how to use that and how to

do some editing, you’ll find out firsthand that I’m as bad at it

as you are at cooking. Maybe we can both practice more. I’m

sure they both have a learning curve. You’re just late to the


“Late to the game?” Adalynn huffed.

“It was a compliment. It’s not a comment about your age.

Who cares about age?”

“Not me,” Adalynn muttered. Had she told Cassia that she’d

been married to a man who was three and a half decades her

senior? Anyway, Cassia had likely already used the internet to

find out.

Cassia didn’t let things get awkward. “Well, now that I

know it’s dinnertime, I’m starved. I’ll raid the fridge and call