you when it’s ready. Deal?”

The nice part was that Cassia was smiling her radiant,

lovely, no strings attached, brighter than the sun smile. That

same smile that she’d given so readily and generously to

Jason. The smile that made Adalynn burn inside with desire,

jealousy, and a sheer, unflagging joy that she hadn’t known in,

well, maybe ever. It was insane. She felt that she had no right

to feel those things over just a smile. Cassia was smiling that

lovely smile at her, and it lit her up from the inside out like she

was made of buzzing electrical currents on the inside.

“Deal,” Adalynn choked out.

Cassia cheerfully turned to the house. She had paint chips

all over her sweater, paint chips in her hair, and her hands were

going to need attention. Adalynn should have offered her

gloves. That was an oversight and she felt insensitive. She

watched Cassia’s confident gait, no longer stiff with pain from

her accident. Her hips swayed gently, and Adalynn had to turn

her eyes back to the camera in her hand when heat crept up her

neck and up her thighs so that she was instantly wet there.

She had better remember that her thinly leashed attraction to

Cassia, an attraction which was only growing stronger, wasn’t

part of their deal.

Chapter 13


The fridge was sparse, with most of the things in it being

condiments and juice, but Cassia was able to throw together a

simple dinner of spaghetti and meat sauce, even if the sauce

came from a jar. It couldn’t be helped. She didn’t have the

ingredients she needed to make good spaghetti. Not that it

wasn’t good. It was. She found that working outside all day