Cassia reached for the faucet to rinse off the frying pan

she’d been scrubbing, the one she’d cooked the meat and

sauce in, and as she turned on the tap, she realized she wasn’t

aiming it properly and the spray rocketed off the frying pan,

hit it with far too much force, and sprayed all over Adalynn.

Adalynn shrieked, backing up and putting up her hands, but

then she threw back her head and giggled and it was so

magical, and she was so beautiful, with beads of water

clinging to her chin and her cheeks and the sweet curl of her

nose, that Cassia laughed too and directed the nozzle fully at

Adalynn, so that the stream of water soaked her. She moved it

down, soaking her neck and her chest through the plaid shirt

she was wearing.

“Oh my God!” Adalynn laughed and shrieked again. “That’s


Cassia realized she’d turned on the cold alone and quickly

shut it off. She went to put the tap back in place, but Adalynn

grabbed for it.

“Oh, no, you don’t!” Adalynn cranked the tap and turned

the nozzle on Cassia. She was shocked at how cold the water

was when it hit her, even though it took a few seconds to soak

through the sweater she had on. Adalynn kept going, wild with

the nozzle so that even though Cassia dodged out of the way,

she got a face full of cold water.

“Hey!” she screamed lightheartedly. She tried to wrestle the

nozzle away from Adalynn, but she held it tightly and Cassia

only succeeded in getting wetter. “Oh my God! Uncle! Or

mercy! Or whatever it is. I tap out. I’m done. That’s frigid!”

Adalynn relented and shut off the tap before the whole

kitchen was soaked. She was focused with that and didn’t see